So just something that the HS brought to my mind as I was sitting eating and pondering.... on the preacher's job in the body. (My church has been looking for a pastor)
The preacher’s job is not only to preach a sermon that is theologically sound and understandable to the congregation. If his message succeeds in communicating truth to the people, but fails to move them to conformity and obedience to that truth, he has only done a small portion of his job. The preacher must have the power of God’s Spirit on him to such an extent that his preaching fans the flame of God inside the congregants’ hearts with increasing might and stirs them in their innermost being to zealous action. In short the congregation must be EDIFIED! The job of the preacher is to build up! If he fails in doing so he has not done his job (Eph 4:11)
This, dear brothers and sisters, the true test for a successful sermon is not that people understand the message or feel that it is an important truth to apply to their lives, nor that their flesh was entertained for an hour and they had a good laugh—but that they are brought deeper into the very life of Christ Himself! That the dry bones are refreshed, renewed and jolted back to life every time they attend service and don’t go back to being a heap on the floor! That the sanctuary breaks out into whole hearted praise to the Creator and King by the encouragement and exhortation of the preacher!
At preaching of Haggai the prophet, the people were stirred into action to rebuild the temple of God. The Word of the Lord comes to Haggai the Prophet to tell the people to stop living comfortably while the temple of God is in ruins!
“Then Haggai, the messenger of the LORD, spoke by the commission of the LORD to the people saying, “‘I am with you,’ declares the LORD.” So the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the LORD of hosts, their God” (Hag 1:13-14).
God used the prophesying of Haggai to stir the people from a place of gross indifference and apathy to the things of God into zealous obedience! O, and what apathy they had! The people walked past the ruins of the temple day after day going about their own business without even giving so much as a thought to it! It was literally right in front of their eyes! But, is it not the same now as it was back then? God has so little room in the lives of His people. He is left out amidst all the business of religious life. Sure, people may extend an invitation to Him here and there but it is mostly just a formality and after they have paid their respects He is soon left out again.
If only we had a preacher who could stir God’s people into action to rebuild God’s spiritual temple that is now in ruins! To move people away from all the activities, programs and man-made schemes to push religious agendas and into lives of personal devotion, consecration and holiness unto the Lord!
But I ask you, was it a onetime deal? Was the preaching of the sermon just once enough to keep the people obedient? No! Haggai had to preach to the people regularly to renew their zeal and fervour for the Lord!
“And the elders of the Jews built and prospered through the prophesying* of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. They finished their building by decree of the God of Israel and by decree of Cyrus and Darius and Artaxerxes king of Persia” (Ezra 6:14). [*Note: some translations use preaching instead of prophesying.]
The key word here is prospered! The people were not only able to successfully complete their task but they prospered; they were blessed; there was an increase in their life! And this is true of preaching: it causes the hearers to prosper spiritually and to walk more and more into the fullness of God in the victorious Christian life. So, a church under a preacher who can truly preach will be built up into a living temple of God (1 Pet 2:5)! In fact, in the Bible, it is the way God has ordained it, “And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Eph 4:11-12).
This is seen beginning even in Ancient Israel during the time of Moses. God ordained that there would be two silver trumpets for summoning the congregation, breaking camp, going to war and rejoicing in worship. God even said that they needed to sound the silver trumpets so that when they went to war and when they worshipped him they “may be remembered before the Lord” (Num 10:9-10). The ones who blew the trumpets were the “sons of Aaron” who, besides the High Priest himself, were the closest to God’s holy place and could handle the holy things (Num 10:8). These silver trumpets were blown by people who ministered and heard from God himself!
And the fact that these trumpets were made of silver is significant because in Proverbs 10:20 it says, “The tongue of the righteous is as choice silver”. The trumpets of silver were a shadow of better things to come: the voices of the righteous that are called to summon the congregation and lead them in the direction they should go. So, the preacher is the trumpet that moves the people into action!
And think of how foolish the preacher is! He is like a trumpet that makes a lot of noise and rouses people (often annoying them), but God has indeed chosen to use the foolishness of preaching for His glory (1 Cor 1:21). He uses it to turn the hardened heart of a sinner into the humble heart of newly born again infant. He uses it to call back the wayward sheep who have wandered miles and miles away from the path, back into the green pastures and still waters!
Think about it: a wild man in the wilderness dressed in camel hide, eating locusts with long hair, preaching at the top of his lungs a message of repentance in order to prepare a generation for the coming of Christ! That man is John the Baptist the last of the Old Covenant prophets! If John the Baptist had a ministry of preaching repentance under the Old Covenant that came with so much power and conviction, how much more should the preacher today under the New Covenant? If the ministry that condemns men is glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! (2 Cor 3:9) for He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life (2 Cor 3:6)
God’s people should not be easily satisfied with servants who can preach a sound message; they must desire servants whose prayer life can lead them straight into either the blazing glory of God’s Throne or the tender heart of Christ each and every time. This is the only way for a church to thrive spiritually.
Many preachers can move the emotion of men and can reason with the intelligence of men but few can move the hearts of men unto obedience to God! For it takes a man with the burning heart of Christ to move a sinner toward repentance. It takes a man with the humble gentle heart of Christ to lead sheep father along the narrow path. These characteristics cannot be gained with much study or with masterful oratory skill, but can only be formed by being with the Master Himself in the secret place of prayer! How much is learned of His character and how much His character changes you the longer you are with Him. As one opens themselves to His chastisements and corrections of Him and does not shrink away in prayer.
How many preachers are willing to do that? How many preachers are willing to give up their time, give up their other religious responsibilities to sit at the feet of Christ? To do what He does so that he will be able to lead His congregation to Christ and not astray? It is the best thing to do! If only we could learn from Mary and Martha! As a pastor named Leonard Ravenhill has said “If the preacher isn’t praying the congregation is straying” If the sheep at the head of the flock stops following the Sheppard and turns aside, all the others behind him follow! O what a glorious and fearsome responsibility the preacher has! It should not be taken lightly!
Sadly, the standard has gone down and the majority of people are content with lukewarm, lifeless preaching and do not wish for things to change. But, perhaps even more alarmingly, they do not think that there is a problem. Thus, the truth we find in Scripture is true: in the last days men will always find someone to tell them what their itching ears desire (2 Tim 4:3). So the problem is not with just the preacher but with the people who desire to hear what the preacher says. The people do not desire to be moved into a deeper life with Christ but are satisfied with a lukewarm spiritual life.
The first thing people do is run away from the preacher who preaches truth without compromise and with conviction! They lock him away and don’t let him preach for fear of his fanatical ideas spreading. They wish to stay comfortable in their religious lives and institutions.
A dead preacher will produce dead preaching.
A lukewarm preacher will produce lukewarm preaching.
A religious preacher will produce religious preaching.
A Spirit-filled preacher produces life-giving preaching.
“The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart” (Luke 6:45).
A dead congregation will be satisfied with dead preaching.
A lukewarm congregation will be satisfied with lukewarm preaching.
A religious congregation will be satisfied with religious preaching.
A living congregation can only be sustained by life giving preaching!
This same principle can be applied to a preacher who preaches truth but lacks the power to move people into action. Here the people desire truth and religiously pride themselves in this over Christ. They hold to the very doctrine of Christ but lack His heart. So: a powerless preacher will produce powerless preaching and powerless people.
All the above is the spiritual reality that we face today.
The book of Revelation sheds light into this. Many may think that Revelation was only written for the specific seven churches, however these seven churches actually point to the diverse church of the last days. Each church reveals a different spiritual condition. For instance, the Church in Sardis had a reputation of being alive even though they were actually dead while the Church of Smyrna were encouraged to not fear but by faithful unto death during their tribulations (Rev 2-3).
So then the question of the time is this: What do you desire? Do you desire the truth of God's Word? or something lesser? In these days that we live there are so many different teachings and roads that seem right, that it is truly a test. God will only be found by those who truly seek Him with all their hearts (jer 29:13) who love truth and nothing else. These people are the ones who will find God or rather be found by Him.
When a congregation wants God and wants revival, then they will seek a godly preacher to lead them. What kind of congregation do we want to be? One that is dead? One that is lukewarm? One that lacks power? Or a congregation that can contend with the forces of hell? A preacher can only bring the congregation as far as he himself has gone.
With so much being said on the preacher, I don’t want you to think that the congregation is exempt from responsibility. The pastor’s well being is in the hands of the congregation. The relationship is one of interdependency.
It is easy to talk about these things and just look at preachers without looking at ourselves. In a paraphrase of Watchman Nee, God’s power is like an unstoppable train, but it must run on the rails of prayer. In the same way, preachers can be used mightily by the Spirit for God’s work, but the congregation must pray. Apostle Paul himself, though he never ceased to pray, knew that he needed the combined efforts of the whole body for God’s power to be released in his ministry. He wrote, “Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should” (Eph 6:19). And again, “Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me, that I may be rescued from those who are disobedient in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints” (Romans 15:30-31). Paul knew that he needed the prayers of his brethren in order that his work may be acceptable to the living saints who needed living messages! For the whole to work, each body part must play its role. The congregation’s prayers need to be as fervent—“strive with me…”—as the preacher’s in hunger for the power of God to move in each meeting.
“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.” (Heb 13:17)
So then we must all hold each other accountable in this task! Christian you must first ask yourself what is it you desire? A pastor who can lead you Christ, as pastor that will lead you astray or a pastor that can only lead you half way?Be wise in who you decided to follow!
If you are in a church and you sense that there something wanting in the preaching of your pastor. Do you pray for Him fervently for him to receive what he is lacking? Or do you disrespect him and oppose him thinking you can do a better job? Should be not Care for, respect and love him as a brother
But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other (1 Thess 5:12)
Will you not humble yourself, love this brother and wash his feet for his sake, your and the congregation? Love builds up! Knowledge only puffs up! (1 Cor 8:1)
Pastor, are you depending on the power of Christ to lead the congregation or on your own strength, talent, knowledge, theology?
Do you labour in prayer for them or are they half hearted and of secondary importance?
We must keep in mind that unless we remain in Him we can NOTHING of eternal significance! (John 15:5)
Though it may seem that you are doing quite fine without Him or with so little of Him, on that our work will be shown for what it really is, be it gold, silver, precious stone, wood , hay or straw, things that will last through the fire or burn away to ash.
I pray that you have been blessed by this!
In Christ
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Calvinism and Armenianism
I definitely agree with what you’re saying: the Scriptures and doctrine are both critical to the faith and it is one of the ways that we can know false teachers from real ones; another way being by looking at their fruit (Matt 7:16). I am encouraged by your zeal for the truth of the scriptures and doctrine, it is needed in the age of Christianity that we live in and is something we are commanded to do! As Paul writes to Titus, “But as for you, speak the things which are fitting for sound doctrine.” (Tit 2:1)
I think there is a misunderstanding on what I was trying to say so allow me to clarify; I wasn’t saying that doctrine isn’t important. I was trying to point out that correct doctrine in itself is not sufficient but that the truth of the doctrine must go past merely head knowledge and into the heart of the Christian so much so that changes his very character and person, and becomes his reality – not just ideas and concepts. I think perhaps the point where we are differing is that I believe at the very core of it, it is not about knowing scripture and having correct doctrine. Though those things are essential, it is not be all end all of what makes a godly Christian or minister. There is something deeper that transcends the written words themselves, and that is knowing the very Person of God. Again I don’t disagree with what you are saying; I am in full agreement with it, I just want to expand on it as I think it is important to the original Calvin/Armenian discussion, please bear with me as I communicate my conviction on this as it does relate.
It is not the Bible itself which allows someone to know God but the Living Spirit behind it through whom it was written (2 Pet 1:21 1 Tim 4:1). The Word is Alive and active (Heb 4:12) it speaks, it moves, it is the very thing that sustains us right now (Heb 1:3)! However God uses the written word (the Bible) as a medium to reveal Himself. We can see this in examples in the Bible, the most well known being the Pharisees who memorized the written word but crucified the Living Word Himself (Christ). Another example would be with the secular study of Scriptures! How can we have scholars reading the Bible, spending hours pouring over the Scriptures and then coming to the conclusion that God is a homicidal maniac and then teaching some very skewed heretical version of the Bible and God? It is because they did not have the Spirit (the Person), who wrote the Words, teach them! It is the Spirit that guides us into all truth (John 16:13) and we are all taught by God Himself! (John 6:45)
I would say that there are people in countries where it is illegal to have a copy of the Bible that know God better than we do here in the west. They may have only read a few excerpts here and there that have been scratched down of the actual Scriptures and they may not be as theologically knowledgeable but they have such a heart-reality of God in their lives and such child-like faith not based on what they know but just on Him, that God hears and moves mightily in those places! There is a difference between knowing a person and knowing about a person. If I came up to you and said “Hey I know Obama” and then you said awesome take me to meet him and I went to the front gate of the White House saying “I’m here to see Obama, I know him” Obama comes out and says I don’t know this guys he’s a maniac and I said “What do you mean, Mr. Obama, I know that you were born in 1961 and that you’re the 44th president!” Would they let me in? No, because I don’t really know him I just know a lot about him. This is the same with God! It would be scary if someone spends their whole life studying and debating doctrine and at judgement day Christ says, “I never knew you” and the guy starts to splurge out all his theology that he learned through his whole life…But to no avail.
I think my main point is that at the end of the day we are not following doctrine but a LIVING RESURRECTED PERSON who leads us by His Holy Spirit! When I said “not to get caught up in doctrine” I am saying that we can focus so much on it and miss the Person who wrote them which is what eternal life is: KNOWING GOD AS A PERSON (John 17:3)! However, as I said before, don’t misinterpret what I am saying, because these things (doctrine) are important! They serve as guidelines to knowing God.
Truth is a Person not a set of doctrines (John 14:6). When we see Truth as doctrine, as either one thing or the other, black or white, Calvinism or Armenianism, it will never fit together completely and end up causing division. But if we see Truth and pursue Truth not as doctrine but a Person, then we will start to understand these deep mysteries of God a little more and be united in true fellowship instead of divided over doctrine!
This is why having sound teaching in a service does not necessarily equate to church fellowship. The truth of God can very much be preached while the congregation is as dead as zombies. Instead, I would say sound teaching with the Spirit of God working in the hearts of people into conviction, worship, corporate prayer, repentance and reconciliation = fellowship!
When you’re evangelizing to someone you’re NOT indoctrinating them to believe a set of statements but you are trying to get to them to know a Person! It is impossible introduce someone to a person you don’t actually know, they will be able to tell right off the bat if you know them by the way you talk about them! In fact, if I knew someone as a close friend and you knew about them and we start talking one day about this person I would quickly be able to tell if you actually know this person or not!
Bringing this all together: yes, we can identify false teachers by doctrine and Scripture but more importantly, if we know Him, we will be able to tell if another knows Him or not. This can be found in John 10:
The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” Jesus used this figure of speech, but they did not understand what he was telling them … (14) “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.”
The sheep (that’s us) KNOW his voice and does NOT recognize a stranger’s voice! This is very comforting!
1 John 4:1 says to test the spirits to see if they are from God because many false prophets have gone into the world! What’s interesting here is that it says to test the spirits and not the doctrine! I believe this is because behind every false teaching there is a false spirit! Though we can point out how false teachers are false through scripture (and this is beneficially) we cannot win by arguing with doctrine alone! This is because battle not of flesh and blood but against real principalities of darkness (Eph 6:12)
Taking this back to Calvinism and Armenianism. I don’t think it is as simple as “God is sovereign” or “Man is sovereign” in salvation. Like I said before, it’s both and it works about perfectly as God is perfect – but again, it’s a mystery (the sermon from the first post covers this really well I don’t have time to explain as it would be too long). Right now we are not able to fully understand as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:9-11, "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears...Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." But perhaps one day we will.....
For myself, I will focus on understanding and knowing God in the way that He created and wants me to know Him right now, and not concern myself with matters to great for me.
I read this passage in Psalms 131 the other day:
My heart is not proud, O Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
I think the whole Calvinism and Armenianism topic may be one of those things that we should not spend so much time on, but rather trust God like children, trust that His ways are perfect, and just obey what He says in scripture without having to understand how it all works!
I think many times we are like children who when our parents ask us to do everything we just keep asking, “WHY, WHY, WHY?” and we never get anything done because we’re so caught up in the “why”. In fact, we may go and asking our siblings, “Why?” and they have an answer that is different than ours so we end up arguing about it instead of just doing it! Meanwhile, our parents just want us to stop complaining and arguing and just do it because it’s what is best for us and the world – to just trust and obey! Which was the point of the very first post (LOL).
If there are any questions or concerns on what I said just post lol
In Christ
I think there is a misunderstanding on what I was trying to say so allow me to clarify; I wasn’t saying that doctrine isn’t important. I was trying to point out that correct doctrine in itself is not sufficient but that the truth of the doctrine must go past merely head knowledge and into the heart of the Christian so much so that changes his very character and person, and becomes his reality – not just ideas and concepts. I think perhaps the point where we are differing is that I believe at the very core of it, it is not about knowing scripture and having correct doctrine. Though those things are essential, it is not be all end all of what makes a godly Christian or minister. There is something deeper that transcends the written words themselves, and that is knowing the very Person of God. Again I don’t disagree with what you are saying; I am in full agreement with it, I just want to expand on it as I think it is important to the original Calvin/Armenian discussion, please bear with me as I communicate my conviction on this as it does relate.
It is not the Bible itself which allows someone to know God but the Living Spirit behind it through whom it was written (2 Pet 1:21 1 Tim 4:1). The Word is Alive and active (Heb 4:12) it speaks, it moves, it is the very thing that sustains us right now (Heb 1:3)! However God uses the written word (the Bible) as a medium to reveal Himself. We can see this in examples in the Bible, the most well known being the Pharisees who memorized the written word but crucified the Living Word Himself (Christ). Another example would be with the secular study of Scriptures! How can we have scholars reading the Bible, spending hours pouring over the Scriptures and then coming to the conclusion that God is a homicidal maniac and then teaching some very skewed heretical version of the Bible and God? It is because they did not have the Spirit (the Person), who wrote the Words, teach them! It is the Spirit that guides us into all truth (John 16:13) and we are all taught by God Himself! (John 6:45)
I would say that there are people in countries where it is illegal to have a copy of the Bible that know God better than we do here in the west. They may have only read a few excerpts here and there that have been scratched down of the actual Scriptures and they may not be as theologically knowledgeable but they have such a heart-reality of God in their lives and such child-like faith not based on what they know but just on Him, that God hears and moves mightily in those places! There is a difference between knowing a person and knowing about a person. If I came up to you and said “Hey I know Obama” and then you said awesome take me to meet him and I went to the front gate of the White House saying “I’m here to see Obama, I know him” Obama comes out and says I don’t know this guys he’s a maniac and I said “What do you mean, Mr. Obama, I know that you were born in 1961 and that you’re the 44th president!” Would they let me in? No, because I don’t really know him I just know a lot about him. This is the same with God! It would be scary if someone spends their whole life studying and debating doctrine and at judgement day Christ says, “I never knew you” and the guy starts to splurge out all his theology that he learned through his whole life…But to no avail.
I think my main point is that at the end of the day we are not following doctrine but a LIVING RESURRECTED PERSON who leads us by His Holy Spirit! When I said “not to get caught up in doctrine” I am saying that we can focus so much on it and miss the Person who wrote them which is what eternal life is: KNOWING GOD AS A PERSON (John 17:3)! However, as I said before, don’t misinterpret what I am saying, because these things (doctrine) are important! They serve as guidelines to knowing God.
Truth is a Person not a set of doctrines (John 14:6). When we see Truth as doctrine, as either one thing or the other, black or white, Calvinism or Armenianism, it will never fit together completely and end up causing division. But if we see Truth and pursue Truth not as doctrine but a Person, then we will start to understand these deep mysteries of God a little more and be united in true fellowship instead of divided over doctrine!
This is why having sound teaching in a service does not necessarily equate to church fellowship. The truth of God can very much be preached while the congregation is as dead as zombies. Instead, I would say sound teaching with the Spirit of God working in the hearts of people into conviction, worship, corporate prayer, repentance and reconciliation = fellowship!
When you’re evangelizing to someone you’re NOT indoctrinating them to believe a set of statements but you are trying to get to them to know a Person! It is impossible introduce someone to a person you don’t actually know, they will be able to tell right off the bat if you know them by the way you talk about them! In fact, if I knew someone as a close friend and you knew about them and we start talking one day about this person I would quickly be able to tell if you actually know this person or not!
Bringing this all together: yes, we can identify false teachers by doctrine and Scripture but more importantly, if we know Him, we will be able to tell if another knows Him or not. This can be found in John 10:
The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” Jesus used this figure of speech, but they did not understand what he was telling them … (14) “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.”
The sheep (that’s us) KNOW his voice and does NOT recognize a stranger’s voice! This is very comforting!
1 John 4:1 says to test the spirits to see if they are from God because many false prophets have gone into the world! What’s interesting here is that it says to test the spirits and not the doctrine! I believe this is because behind every false teaching there is a false spirit! Though we can point out how false teachers are false through scripture (and this is beneficially) we cannot win by arguing with doctrine alone! This is because battle not of flesh and blood but against real principalities of darkness (Eph 6:12)
Taking this back to Calvinism and Armenianism. I don’t think it is as simple as “God is sovereign” or “Man is sovereign” in salvation. Like I said before, it’s both and it works about perfectly as God is perfect – but again, it’s a mystery (the sermon from the first post covers this really well I don’t have time to explain as it would be too long). Right now we are not able to fully understand as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:9-11, "For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears...Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known." But perhaps one day we will.....
For myself, I will focus on understanding and knowing God in the way that He created and wants me to know Him right now, and not concern myself with matters to great for me.
I read this passage in Psalms 131 the other day:
My heart is not proud, O Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
I think the whole Calvinism and Armenianism topic may be one of those things that we should not spend so much time on, but rather trust God like children, trust that His ways are perfect, and just obey what He says in scripture without having to understand how it all works!
I think many times we are like children who when our parents ask us to do everything we just keep asking, “WHY, WHY, WHY?” and we never get anything done because we’re so caught up in the “why”. In fact, we may go and asking our siblings, “Why?” and they have an answer that is different than ours so we end up arguing about it instead of just doing it! Meanwhile, our parents just want us to stop complaining and arguing and just do it because it’s what is best for us and the world – to just trust and obey! Which was the point of the very first post (LOL).
If there are any questions or concerns on what I said just post lol
In Christ
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