Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sanctified Music

I never thought I would listen to music on my I-pod again
but now that I have discovered this things called Christian hip hop
That has changed.
They preach the bible and make into nice catchy songs so IT STICKS IN YOUR HEAD

You know when you have a catchy song stuck in your head and the lyrics are ungodly?
so then you don't want to sing it?

well you shouldn't be listening to it soo much that its stuck in your head in the first place BUT

Now you can have the bible stuck in your head and you can sing it as loudly as you want cuz you're spreading the light hahahaha awesomeness

guys like
shai linne, timothy brindle, believen stephen

theres a lot more~

Monday, August 30, 2010

Build it Proper

No other foundation can be laid except that of Jesus Christ. So we need to ask ourselves with what are we building our life?
For we are God’s temple in which He dwells. We are His house.
And the first thing we need is to have a solid foundation and we call that salvation receiving God’s grace through faith.

But for most Christians they receive a solid foundation but then start thinking after that they can build on it with their own hands but what they’re really building with is sand. But you see your life was already paid for at full price and so you can build with nothing save for faith in the finished work of Christ. If we receive salvation by grace then it only makes sense we also receive sanctification through grace and that the only way to build the kingdom is through His grace of course all by faith.

Because what we build on is going to be tried by the fire and what is going to be left? Will we build with wood or straw or hay the very things that will be burned away? Or with gold, silver and costly stones the very things that are founded on Christ alone and that are truly worthy of His throne.
So are you building in faith, on the grace of the cross? or are you building on flesh trying to save face to your loss? Things like man’s philosophy, religiosity, sociology, psychology, or churchology?

Things like just focus on the relationship but don’t let your light shine bright don’t say anything about your faith in Christ cuz if you’re just nice that’s the very things going to bring their soul that is in strife from death into eternal life! If we’re like that, we’re getting a bit whack not evangelizing the way that the bible says in fact we’re on the line of acting like a cult so we got people coming to church thinking their good but they’re false converts.

Because if your building on mans wisdom, you’re doing no work your probably doing more hurt. Though it seems like your training converts but deep inside the person’s spirit is still trapped in sin and hasn’t been cleansed within because the Holy Spirit’s work hasn’t been done for where the Spirit of the Lord is there is true freedom.

So we need to start getting on our knees and crying out Father please because we know that the only way that souls can be cracked and be brought back to the Father, The only way the Kingdom is gonna come in someone’s life is nothing short of a miracle like the one that resurrected Jesus Christ.

Not with all these concepts of talk that turn the soul sour but of a demonstration of the Spirit’s power because the Kingdom of God is not about talk but of power. See the true workers of Christ don’t need all these books created by the wisdom of man like Purpose Driven church or how to win fast converts, how to teach Sunday school to entertain by watering down the truth of Jesus’ Name, worshiping God with style but where all the book that teach on self denial?

Cuz if we’re using these things as tools to work for God we’re actually being used as a tool by the devil and we need go back to looking like fools for the wisdom of man is foolishness to God and the wisdom of God is foolishness to the world.
Because the bible is the only book that’s reliable and you don’t need any other book to help you exposit the truth because you have a deposit of the Holy Spirit within which teaches and guides you into all truth if you really seek to know the truth. He’s the line that sends the truth of scripture thats in your mind to your heart and then translates it to your spirit cuz its something that you have inherited by faith.

We need to kick it old school like the holy saints of the past who we’re brutally harassed because the Word of God and its the only thing that will last and has lasted throughout the ages despite all the misinterpretations of the pages. Cuz culture will change and is constantly being rearranged so being relevant or eloquent is like fumbling like an elephant when it comes down to God’s eloquence.
We don’t use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. But by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience and in God’s sight.

So if you think you got it right with a lot of fancy theology and epistemologies, these things that please men. Then maybe you need to resolve to know nothing but Christ crucified, because pharisaic knowledge is the biggest form of idolatry within the church. Knowledge that puffs up not build up and zeal without knowledge is dangerous but useless knowledge is contagious and strangles, mangles, entangles the work of God.

and setting forth the truth plainly may seem a bit insanely contradictory to what we’ve been taught in church lately. But let’s not do what makes sense in the eyes of the world but start to realize that we can’t compromise. Instead we need to trust in God like the Israelites who marched around the walls of Jericho 6 days and their faith was a little fazed on the way but in end they trusted and obeyed and so God made their path straight the huge stone wall came crashing down down down right to the ground all in the city died except Rahab who’s faith in God was what got her saved.

Only proper faith is going build the Kingdom up everything else is a waste it’s going to turn to chafe blown away and He that does not gather scatters so don’t be a detriment to the Kingdom cuz many want to be teachers of the faith but they play it safe and know don’t what they’re talking about its the very thing that 1+2 Timothy warns us about that’s why you need to read the bible for yourself.
So let’s build our lives on the promises of God who is faithful and true.
And let me just say I say these things out of love because my joy would be to see that on that day you won’t be one that’s just barely saved barely escaping through the flames but that you built your life on the truth of Jesus Name.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Enter the Rest

1Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it. 2For we also have had the gospel preached to us, just as they did; but the message they heard was of no value to them, because those who heard did not combine it with faith.
Hebrews 4:1-2

It hit me today that not being able to enter God's is such a terrible thing.
because today I had so many burdens on my heart that weighed so deep.

Like the burden for the lost people around me
but also the burden of always WORRYING about it and thinking of all these things I had to do or I should do but I'm not doing and I really just wanted to be free from them.
like maybe if I said this or that or prayed more or prayed harder or prepared my sermon more or was able to open up more then these people would listen and live their lives for God.

but the next part of this passage says....

3Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said,
"So I declared on oath in my anger,
'They shall never enter my rest.' "[b] And yet his work has been finished since the creation of the world. 4For somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: "And on the seventh day God rested from all his work."[c] 5And again in the passage above he says, "They shall never enter my rest."
Hebrews 4:3-4

God is SO BIG
in one way He has already finished His work and in another He is still working
so for us who believe in one way we rest knowing that God has finished it but we also work knowing that its not done.

The hard part is figuring and discerning and
I dunno its just weird.

I can pray and worship God
but I also pray and cry to God.

and I have no clue which I should be doing!
cuz I feel guilty if I'm not crying and enjoying God instead but then I feel like I'm missing out on something God has given to me when I'm always crying or that I'm not getting the full picture!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Heart of the Psalmist

Whom have I in heaven but You?
There is none I desire besides You.
Show me your ways and teach me your paths
guide me into your truths and teach me.
Let my heart not be drawn to evil
and keep me from willful sin
O Sovereign Lord I am greatly afflicted and so to you I cry
Save me or Lord for the sake of Your name
Cleanse me and wash away my sins
Remove my transgression far from me so that I may be free
and songs of praise and joy to the Lord my God.
May the peoples praise You
May the peoples praise O God.
and Your salvation be made known to all nations
teach me to number my days that I may gain a heart of wisdom.
Grant your servant strength to do your work for his spirit is weak

Friday, August 27, 2010


So today I lost my self control and decided to pick a fight with my dad on the issues involving the second coming of Christ. Which was so stupid because not only was I doing it because I wanted to be right and didn't really care about my dad, it also hurt my family because we were arguing so much about it.

In the back of my head 943094 verses came up that totally warned me to stop and not be a fool but of course I didn't listen.

SO now I feel like an idiot and very ashamed of myself
I let myself get caught up in "disputable matters" and in knowledge that puffs up and doesn't build up.

1Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. 3You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere men? 4For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not mere men?
1 Corinthians 3:1-4

if anything this taught me that even though I am right and can prove it with like 2930293 bible verses at the end of the day if its not done in love its a useless and it does more harm than good.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

It Feels

good to trust in God.
and to serve Him in faith
because He gives you the strength to work for Him
and blesses you for it.

it also feels good to know the truth about God

as I grow in the grace of Jesus Christ
I am being released from all the legalistic, superstitious practices that I was brought up in the church to believe in.

So many things are attributed to God when they AREN'T.
and its very freeing to UNDERSTAND in my spirit faith and grace and apply it to my life.

So many things I used to think
for prayer I used to think that the more I pray the more God will hear/answer as if it were by works. When really I pray through grace to receive even more grace for the work of God to be done.

I sometimes think that for when I work for God as well
when really God wants our worship when we do these things like prayer or serving
we do it in faith with all our heart soul and mind

Sometimes we say we do things in faith when were not

for example in the way we witness or preach we use other methods to try to bring people to God or entertain them
many fancy philosophical, psychological, socialogical things

ex. building the relationship, not really true. Sure the person might be more patient with you in listening if they know you but for a true working of the Spirit it doesn't matter as long as the message is being proclaimed in truth and love with prayer and faith.

actually the way you live your life is more influential then the relationship
(1 Peter 2:11)

18For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19For it is written:
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise;
the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."[c]
20Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 21For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. 22Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, 23but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, 24but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
1 Corinthians 1:18-25

we don't use anything but preaching the truths of the bible
and prayer for His Spirit to bring forth faith in the lives of the people we speak too so that His name can be glorified.

1When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.[a] 2For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. 4My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, 5so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
1 Corinthians 2:1-3

If you look at my older posts you should be able to see a progression
from a very worldly understandings of God that were almost or basically heretical to a more biblical understanding of who He is

to the praise of His name!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Lack of

self-control destroyed me yesterday.
the computer is a dangerous thing for your spiritual life.
it can become like a super idol where you can worship anything and everything all at the same time! The T.V. is just pure well junk 99.99% of the time

I started off with just checking my emails (which I do way too often)
and then I just clicked on Wongfu and started to watch..and watch and watch
and the stuff wasn't anything violent or sensual but it still convicted me like crazy as I was watching it because it definitely didn't glorify God
anyway I ended up watching till like 2:00 am
and the whole time there was like a heavy spiritual force in my heart
so that afterward I felt so condemned and guilty that I couldn't pray that night and the feeling stayed until I finally shook it off and cried to the Lord with all my heart!

I have these spurts where I am crazily self discipline+control (as it says in the letters to be)and just pray and then I get discouraged and give up and lose it all.
and then I have to do it again because my spirit feels so dead.

5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.
2 Peter 1:5-9

So I need to PERSEVERE at being self controlled as it says in the verse and that will lead me to be more godly because I am living a life of servitude.

Also I must always remember that the Lord is FAITHFUL and will not condemn me based on what I do because I did NOTHING in the first place!

this is NOT EASY.
especially with today's culture where the main problem is no self control!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Let me introduce

my best friends to you.

we'll really I have none.
none that I know personally
Jeremiah seems pretty close to me these days
except well he had it a lot harder than me.
I'm sorta just we'll barely passing
He was soaring with flying colours

maybe I relate to Timothy more?
just a young man learning
except I guess Timothy was already pretty bold and courageous

hmm yeah well I'm not running BUT
He definitely preached one heck of a sermon to the Ninevites
nawww we're not that tight.

John the Baptist?
hmmm probably more like him he was a pretty straight forward repent and be baptized person yep probably more like him except well I am currently not as straight forward and lack a lot of biblical sword to rebuke. hmmm

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is Anyone Still Alive?

These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God, with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng.
Psalm 42:4

I long to seek the face of the Lord with the multitude
but where are they? where have they all gone?
are there none that understand? Any who seek God?
All have turned aside.
The bride scattered among the wolves
like sheep to be slaughtered
helpless and weak too afraid and mocked by those around them

Who will witness the Lord with me?
Who will cry to the Lord and seek His face with me?
Who will cry over the lost with me?

Let us proclaim a time of fasting and prayer before the Lord
Let us set a time and meet in the courts together earnestly with a pure heart

Today another has decided to leave. What I am I to do?

It is a fire in my bones
it screams..... SACRIFICE
be made a spectacle in the procession of saints as the onlookers observe and laugh.
there is no other way.

Friday, August 13, 2010

To God's Elect

Strangers in the world.
scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia, 2who have been chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and sprinkling by his blood:
Grace and peace be yours in abundance.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you, 5who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter)

We have a living hope not a dead one! One that lives in us as we grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

We are shielded through FAITH in Christ.Shielded from every evil spiritual attack, that is if we keep our faith up and CRY to the Lord for HELP! Because the battle is 100% spiritual in your mind and heart and soul. These things translate into the physical.If you are strong (meaning weak) than you will be BOLD with the power of Christ in your spirit. If you are weak (meaning strong) doubts and fears will over take you and keep you from producing fruit.

I am currently more in the latter T_T"
but as I pray and read and meditate I am slowing walking towards the former.

Same for all of us!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

No Prayer =


I haven't prayed in like a few days
and I am slipping the flesh is ripping yo
like honestly
if you don't pray your not making it through the day
the way that you should be.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Ugh No More

I went on vacation after gospel night so to say.
I focused so much on the Lord up till that point because well I had a goal, a reason.
SO I grew a lot and then I was sorta disappointed because I expected so much more. So in my head I gave up because I started to compare myself to everyone
I told myself "well no one is even close to where I am" so why should should I feel left out?

So even though in my opinion gospel night ok but not amazing spiritually anyways but to everyone else it was awesome. I decided heck I should celebrate and start undisciplining myself which is what I ended up doing for the past 3 days and hence the blatant spiritual attacks of doom or actually less attacks cuz I got owned.

However amidst all of my unfaithfulness God has been faithfully yelling at me to start praying because I just stopped because theres just SO MUCH its ridiculous I think that someone is growing and they're actually not so it is very frustrating.

I'm a very get it done fast effectively type person tell people what they need to do and how they're not doing it and then take it or leave it.
Something that I have learned is that I could care for them and speak the words they need to hear or I could just say it cutting the extra stuff
(still out of love)

and it won't make a difference unless they take that step in they're own heart.
or the Spirit seriously works some mad conviction in them.
now some people say that if you have the relationship people will listen to you which is true but will they do it? nope.

because its easy to just end up "baby sitting" people when they need to grow up
and take up they're own cross instead of someone having to tell them to take it up and that is what I want to see.

hmmm what else?
we'll I will be completely honest
I see wrong and I get angry especially when someone has the wrong theology and is leading other people astray and are buying into it while living a godless life style. I have the hateful urge to tear them apart until they know they're place and stop trying to be teachers when they don't know jack.

of course the above is me on many points so I have no right.
except it really bugs me when someone tells other people wrong things. Its one thing to have a messed up view but another to cause people to fall with it.
Especially when all they do is talk but have no biblical backbone to support it so 99% of it is they're own opinion or experience which is flawed and then they pull out one little verse out of context to support they're belief and they may have completely good intention but its just wow there is still no excuse those who teach will be judged more strictly.

so example of this the last softball devo. It
went something like this:

1. God helps us
2. Hes the one who lifts us up so we can keep going
3. Sometimes He carries us through when we're stuck
4. God got me into university

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Yeah God helps us but no where does He promise for us to have a good family, get into a good school or help you get things in fact He says give up everything and follow me die to yourself.

The only thing God promises Christians is deliverance from sin.
Why didn't the apostles get a good job? they got beaten and persecuted.

so what God are these people serving?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gospel in Rhyme

I have good news for you!
Life giving news for you.
It can make you new
Transforming you through and through.
Please take some time and listen to this rhyme
and hear what my Lord has to say to you.

Come children and listen to the story
The story of God the King of Glory.
From before the beginning of time,
Father, Son, Spirit existed in perfect rhyme.

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made
And the foundations of the earth He laid
The starry host came by the breath of his mouth
He created the north and the south
The heavens are the works of His hands
His hands formed the dry land
He clothed the grass by bringing flowers to bloom
He established the sun and the moon
His is the night and day
By His power the mountains were made
He put an expanse between the waters and there was sky
He then made birds and let them fly
He opened up springs and streams
And made springs pour water into the ravines
He made summer, winter, spring and fall
He caused grass, trees and plants to grow big and tall
Everything you see He made it all.

His love was so great he couldn't help but create
People who could love and relate and in turn go and create.
So in beginning He made man everything fit in His perfect plan.
We were a Holy race in union with God Himself
Beautiful temples in which He dwelt
And God the living God walked among us
And lived with us.
He was our God and we were His people
All our desires, wants and needs He provided from His hands
The condition was that we just follow His good and perfect commands

But we disobeyed and ate the forbidden fruit and so sin started to take root. We went against His commands and from that moment darkness entered the land. We rebelled against the light and decided to do what was right in our own sight.

We shut our ears from the Holy God
Tuned out His voice, turning up our I-pods
Unquenchable desires started to burn with in
Tried to fill the void with devastating sins.
Uncontrollable lusts we yearn for more
But we don't even know what we're living for
Destroying the Earth the gift that God gave
Fighting for land sending each other to graves
Broken, dysfunctional relationships
Gossip and slander filling our lips
Logging on to facebook trying to have the best looks
The truth is we're all hooked

War torn countries living in fear
But the rest of world doesn't really care
Children starving struggling to live
While the rich sit back unwilling to give
Materialism running rampant in our society
Little kids armed with guns, an impropriety
Young girls taken sold for sex
While all we do is sit back and except
Injustice plaguing our world everyday
Humanity thrown in disarray
Creation screams in pain
Yet we continue to let evil reign

Divorce rates are rising
Morals more compromising
Corrupt advertising
The way we are living is terrorizing,
The essence of who we are
We have strayed so far....

Instead worshipping the creator of the earth we digressed and started to worship created things on earth. We have fallen short of the glory of God and now we chase after pseudes

So now we are sinful from the day we are born
Everything about us horribly deformed
No one is righteous not even one
Everybody just wants to have their own fun.
We have all turned away to follow corrupt and evil ways.
Sin is a terrible disease its plaguing the masses and it DECEIVES.
Thinking that you can do as you please but
You see the desires that you want to do isn't what’s good for you.
Instead its what causes you to have to go through the pain and suffering that you do
And no matter how hard you try you can’t stop doing whats wrong

And you see God is Holy He can`t stand to have what is evil in His sight
So He has to punish us and do what is right.
Because of our sins we have to get paid
And death is the minimum wage
That’s why everything is fading degrading
Nothing on this earth lasts everything is going to pass very very fast and whats now will soon be past. The presence of God the Eternal Life left long ago because of our wrongs we reaped what we sowed. Destined to be trapped in our sins forever and after death be judged and be condemned to eternal fire.

Now some of you might be saying hey that doesn`t seem right. I think deep inside my heart I have some light. I can still do some right.

But according to this book, God`s standards are off the hook

Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?
Who may stand in His Holy Presence?
He who walks blamelessly and does what is right
Who has clean hands and pure heart
And speaks the truth from his heart
who does not slander with his tongue
and does no evil to his neighbour,
nor takes up a reproach against his friend;
in whose eyes a vile person is despised,
but who honours those who fear the LORD;
who swears to his own hurt and does not change; who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent.

if you have a grudge that just won't budge, unforgiveness deep inside your soul.
anger that you just can't control, fits of rage that throw you in a frenzy
Silent jealousy or bitter envy. You’re a murderer at heart. You may as well have killed them from the start. Taken a gun and BAM BAM BAM shot them in the head because really they're as good as dead

Looking at pornography is equal to adultery, masturbation is the same as fornication. To God it all screams condemnation. Cuz its not just about what you do on the outside. Its about the inside, in your heart soul and mind. Thats more than enough have to have crossed the line. To have broken God's design. But don't hate me it’s how this book defines. Matthew 5 will back up these lines.

But God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God came down to earth in the person of Jesus Christ. He was the only one who ever lived a righteous life and then made Himself a perfect sacrifice. That we might be made right in God`s sight.

Now let me give a small exposition of who Christ was in His high position before He came down and lowered Himself to the human condition

Righteousness goes before Him and prepares the way for His steps.
Smoke rises from His nostrils
Fire goes before Him and consumes His foes on every side
He rides on the cherubs coming swiftly on the wings of the wind
All in His temple cry glory
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord before the Lord of all the earth
He thunders in the heavens
His lightning lights up the world and all tremble
Around Him is a mighty tempest
All in His temple cry glory
The Most High utters His voice hailstones and coals of fire.
The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forest bare
The voice of the Lord shakes the desert of Kadesh
He is robed in majesty
Armed with strength
All in His temple cry glory
He wraps Himself in light as with a garment
Clouds and thick darkness surround Him
He makes his messengers winds
His ministers a flaming fire
All in His temple cry glory
The Lord reigns forever
The Lord sits enthroned as King forever

The Most High humbled Himself from the high throne and made Himself know to His people. He came down to human form and from us His people endured scorn. He was torture, crucified on the cross and died. When He didn`t deserve to die. For you and I and after three days came back to life victorious over sin and death.

Let me just reemphasize. You gotta believe in this one things without compromise. Christ gave His life for your life. He died when you should`ve died.

So tonight if sin has you owned.
and Christ isn't on your throne
And on the outside you live a pretty good life
but on the inside your soul is full of strife.
As an ambassador of Christ

I have good news for you!
Life giving news for you.
It can make you new
Transforming you through and through.
Please take some time and listen to this rhyme
and hear what my Lord has to say to you.

God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us. Bore within Himself
all our ugliness, all the laws that we have transgressed that so that we might become His righteousness.

We were once enemies of God but now we're reconciled through the cross.
God's bringing us back to Himself in Christ making what was wrong right.
Not counting our sin against us instead pouring His grace and love to save us to heal us to free us.

The Lord is kind and compassion slow to anger abounding in Love
He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities
The Lord will not always accuse nor will He harbour His anger forever
Redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion
Satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles
As far as the east is from the west so far has He removed our transgressions from us
As high as the heavens are above the earth so great is His love for those who fear Him
As a father has compassion on His children so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.
Forgives our sins and heals our diseases.
Removes burdens from our shoulders
Bestows favour and honour no good thing does He withhold
He restores our souls and leads us on the paths of righteousness for His name sake
Weeping may remain for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning
He turns our wailing into dancing and clothes us with joy
Draws us up from the pit of destruction out of the miry bog
Sets our feet upon the rock and makes our step secure
He puts a new song in our mouths a song of praise to God
He covers you in His feathers
Under His wings you find refuge
The Lord is a shield around us
He answers our cries
The Lord is our rock, fortress and deliverer
The Lord is our stronghold
Arms us with strength and makes our way perfect
He enables us to stand on the heights
He is a father to the fatherless a defender of widows
He sets the lonely in families
Leads forth prisoners with singing
Those who trust in Him will never be put to shame
He will defend the afflicted and save the children of the needy
He upholds us in His right hand
And is our portion in the land of the living
His steadfast love extends to the heavens His faithfulness to the skies forever and ever

As an ambassador of Christ I implore you on His behalf turn from your evil ways and come back! Be reconciled through Christ and gain eternal life.
Don't receive God's grace in vain! Do not reject His holy name.
For He says:
In the time of my favour I heard you
and in the day of salvation I helped you

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is Here
Repent for the time is almost here.
He who has ears let Him hear

Who will humble himself and approach the altar of the Lord?
Who will wash His heart with the precious blood of the Lord?
Repentance is the only way you can't get too Christ through any other gate.

Now there are several issues that need to be addressed concerning this gospel of truth and living it out in holiness
Because the hour of our salvation is closer than when we first confessed
So I got to get this off my chest, wont be at rest until we learn to live in Christ righteousness

Be careful the yeast of the Pharisees
Cuz that not going to set you free and let you truly see
its not about morality.
or these many many many formalities.
Its not by works that you are saved
but only by admitting your totally depraved
and then turning from your wicked ways
Don’t think your good cuz you went on a mission trip
Cuz many people go because they think its hip
And eventually they slip and realize that they weren’t legit but a rip.
Never read Isaiah 64:6 our righteous acts are like rags.
I went on many missions trips Mexico, Panama doing good deeds thinking I was planting seed but I never took heed to my own spiritual needs
I was on the worship team, the drama team the av team
I was on all the TC teams, everything in your dream team.
But I wasn’t saved I didn’t really know the way.
Every day I would pray in Jesus name but nothing in my life ever changed.
Inside my heart was still in chains and sin still had reign. Except it was hidden very well I was what Jesus calls a 2 fold son of hell. I had proper reactions and actions to everything in church you wouldn’t be able to tell I was a false convert.

By the fruit you will know the tree
By the fruit it will be plain for all to see
Spotting them is easy as ABC Luke 6:43
Love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self control.
When they speak these traits are included in their speech
Whatever they do these things naturally come through
Because the mouth speaks from the overflow of the heart

If you call yourself a Christian yet your lifestyle screams sins.
Its you like you never knew Him. You live just like the heathen. How can you live in those ways anymore? Or do you not really understand what Christ died for? You died to your transgression crucified with Christ. And now your supposed to live for Christ. If you call yourself a Holy temple, a vessel of God
than please please please don't live like a fraud or it’s really really really hard to say that you truly know God.
stop flirting with the things of this world
Because it makes God wanna hurl
you out of His mouth cuz you have no place in His house
Come out from them and be separate says the Lord
Touch no unclean thing and I will be Yours
For we are a temple of the mighty Lord

You say I believe but you’re still not set free you’re as blind a Pharisee
cuz the devil masquerades himself as an angel of light. But in reality he's a fright he's so ugly you want him out of your sight
Those who love the Lord hate evil and do what is right
cuz Love hates what is evil and clings to what is right
and love comes from God who is the true light

Don’t listen to the lies ringing your head telling you its ok to go ahead and do what the worlds says cuz if you do your just as good as dead.

What if you had no more excuses? You know how you say turning from sin is a process when the truth is you just want an excuse to take you own time. So you throw out nobody’s perfect to cover the guilt on your mind or how about this one won’t be holy until we enter glory but then who’s hell for?

And you may feel like sin is warring within but Christ gave us victory not to give in cuz can’t enter heaven and not reflect Him so what if you had no more excuses
Because for a Christian they just don’t make sense like knowing he’s coming back for a bride without spot but you think you can climb over the fence
But its not true so what if there was nothing stopping you?

Like your told not to drink or smoke but you got an excuse like technically the bible doesn’t specifically say not to show me the exact scripture and I’ll consider
Matter of fact show me a sign I mean Jesus turned water into wine and God created weed the bible says I give you every tree so

Or you’re told not to listen to worldly music when and you say well I’m not listening to the lyrics. But as you listen it makes your lust grow before you were cool now you’re sensual
Dress provocatively so you grab the compliments of men when truthfully you’re lacking Christ convictions He’s doesn’t have your whole heart because your seeking male attention

Don’t you see these excuse causes a dissension between you and the father and we love holding on to these excuses that why we insist to pass up all these scriptures that teaches us to be righteous and find that one we can bend, pervert and twist
but what if all our excuses were gone? What if there was no excuse keeping you in sin? Stopping you from holiness from letting Christ in. What if there was no more excuses but all of us being to throw away these clichés like were all gonna sin

What if there was no more excuse like serving God is hard cuz your trust in yourself rather than the word of God common you know I’m pulling your card admit it don’t use the very bible that say we need to be holy and then not get with it. When He was bruised for it the King of glory was whipped in order that the veil be ripped giving direct access to Christ He is our holiness.

cuz the truth is if you got excuses you gotta beware be the fruit is He won’t give us temptation beyond what we can bear

So don’t use the scriptures to hold on to sin common don’t go there. Like romans 3:23 we’ve all sin and fallen short of His glory but look at verse 24 its a compound it shows that we’ve been set free you gotta read some more.
It says we’ve been justified by grace A stunning transaction has taken place. Outside the court the guilt of sinners pardon by faith. You see the Sons death waved the consequences of sins.In a unique sacrifice of atonement which truly washes us from within.

Wouldn’t your life be different if you got hit by a bus? Or if an elephant sat on your neck? Yeah I know that sounds ridiculous. But so does a life that doesn’t bother to honour the heart father and ignore the Son that got beat harder than Chris Brown bother Rihanna. Cuz I’m going be honest some us here would fight tooth and nail to defend your favourite secular artist and then justify their own godless lifestyle saying im in the process cuz if we could really imagine the pain felt from the lashes and stripes on the back of our Christ than why does it seem for this Christ the passion has died? We’re cracked and we’re dried tired and lacking His light due to being stuck in the rut trapped in our slime and caught in the vacuumed of our pornographic mind instead over the lamb slain

We remorse more over Patrick Swayze and Michael Jackson that died and entertained more by how insane Kanye was at the VMA than we are in awe over a God who emanates glory and majesty from His throne and in hands holds the sands of time
It seems that something isn’t quite right like the church needs a reintroduction to the Christ. Cuz He’s been distorted by the people and it just ain’t right. So I pray, I pray that the Holy Spirit convicts us day and night till we all living whole heartedly for the praise of Christ.

Cuz man we quick too quick to talk about social justice, missions and feeding the poor but how about the injustice of how we’re treating the Lord?
See these things go hand in hand with each other. So when we walk hand in hand with Jesus lets not be walking as adulterous lovers cuz He’s jealous. So what’s your main focus? If we could imagine the pain felt from the lashes and stripes we would gladly lay our bodies on the altar as a sacrifice of love.

Cuz see a doctor taps our knee cap to test our reflexes. So when the loving kindness of God impacts and cracks open our soul we shall respond with repentance walking with deep reverence.

Test yourself are you in Christ?
Are you on the road to eternal life?
Because narrow is the way that leads to life and the Broadway seem soo right.

everything's on the hush hush the down low
cuz no one really wants to be exposed.
except they don’t know that the show can't go on
you can’t continue to do wrong
cuz when Christ comes again what you hide will be brought to light
what you’ve done and who you are is already in His sight.

Is your heart for Christ ask yourself tonight who is the god of your life?

The Holy Spirit is here father and Son present so if you hear His message today with an open heart He draws near to hear our confessions.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This Isn't......

a game.
its serious stuff life or death.

so I'm I ready to go all in?
of course not.
except something inside of me pushes me too.
I can't ignore its constantly knocking at my door.
live for truth or live for ......

no compromise.

the consequences are grave eternity is at stake
and the answer lies in what you make with your life now.

time is ticking......
any moment
we die. .. .. ......

an URGENCY an absolute EMERGENCY.

God give us grace and mercy in our time of need.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Glory of the Son

so this is total ownage.
but you won't get it slash will totally hate it if you're still new to the faith.