Monday, January 26, 2009

Media Culture

So over the past 2 days I watched three Asian Movies.
It never really occurred to me but our culture spends A LOT of time with media

I always laughed at the people who spend hours watching dramas etc. but i think after these two days i understand why its soo appealing.

Anime, Video games, Soap Operas, American T.V. shows w/e. its all the same.
I think the above covers 100% of what our population spends most of their time on period.

All these "stories" that we make to entertain ourselves are really reflections of what we want our reality to be. Don't we all secretly think "i wish i could be this character" I mean look at all those cosplayers out there and the Asian kids who try to get anime looking hair. Though if you really think about it; it looks sorta stupid.

Everything is simplified.
The main character has only one desire/goal that will grant them eternal happiness.
There's only 5-6 main characters that interact with each other
They are all simplified with one or two traits.
That is essentially "the world"

Soo many things are trivialized and unrealistic.
killing with no/little consequence
The main character seems invincible, everything magically misses him.

People seem to have this unspoken connection and a series of romantic accidents causes them to fall "in love" and of course all the relationships are nice and defined.

For the main character everything worksout
and in the end the couple is "together"

I always wondered what happened after the couple gets together?
What would be the actual outcome in reality?

"Pleasantville" a movie that portrayed what could happen if 2D T.V. characters were brought in the "real world" .......its beautiful.

We of course know that those things never happen in real life.
But the question is why do we long soo much for these fantasies?
Can these things happen in real life?

I think we all want to find "that person"
We compare our romantic life to the ideals of those in Asian dramas
Good looking, nice, unselfish girl/guy
only to be let down because people aren't like that in real life

We want POWER we want to be the STRONGEST we want to be able to kill people with just a pencil, pilot a robot suit than can own everyone else or have some sorta of SUPERNATURAL ability that makes us SPECIAL
Better than everyone else.

We change ourselves in pursuit of these images.
and when they don't happen .......we move on to something else/someone else
hoping that this time.... they'll be the one.
this time I'll find "true happiness"

Even if we achieve these images would we really be satisfied?

I start to get sick after watching T.V. for too long it really is a waste of life.
I start to lose focus on God.
Everything becomes clouded.
but in my soul something sill wants more

Jesus said he was the living water
sounds whack but soo true.

it all comes down too
thirst for