As I was sitting on the bus this morning, I got the answer to the letter I was given.
It was to love in a supernatural way. To love like God loves.
It is hard because when you love you take the good with the bad.
all the imperfections
when the person doesn't love you
or care.
or even hates you.
You suffer when they suffer because you care about them SOO much that you would rather go through the hurt instead of them.
God has been speaking to me telling me to love in the worst circumstances to stretch myself, to be willing to suffer like he suffered for the sake of showing His love to everyone he has placed in my life.
Sometimes during the day I can feel His heart pumping through me it overflows so much that I feel like I have to love or I will explode.
God is a God who is so full of love that he created to express His love, to share in His joy. Through God we can truly love. He is the source of life; of love. Without Him there is nothing only fake impressions of love.
And in love we can conquer sin because "love covers a multitude of sins"
Today I went to visit a church where a lot of friends that I love to fellowship with attend.
Maybe it was coincidence but while I was there something happened that brought them to tears. I could immediately feel their hurt. I didn't know what to do. I wanted so much to able to make it better for them.
I think that's how God feels with us everytime we are hurting for whatever reason but on a way deeper level. Even when its part of His plan and he knows that its for the best. He still grieves with us in those moments. It is just how much He loves us.