Saturday, June 26, 2010


Today. What a day God worked and yes praise His name! He did some wonderful work in the lives of some of those I have been praying for persistently.

I am starting to understand how this faith thing works a little bit better but just a little. We are still getting trickles though and I am NOT satisfied. I am want to see torrents! To the praise of His name!

I used to be very satisfied with trickles but now I am not.
I thirst for more. I feel my soul starving.

O feed me! Satisfy me according to your unfailing love.

We live on the very Words of God! (Matthew 4)
It sustains us! (Hebrews 1)
and it WILL NOT return empty!
just sow it faithfully repeatedly for faith comes from HEARING the message, the Words! (Romans 10:17)

Today God placed a passage on my heart that I felt like I needed to read
In the back of my heart a voice told me which part would be relevant to which person but of course I pushed that voice to the back a lot because I'm scared that it isn't the right one or I'm scared that I will be wrong (my own pride)

But I was stuck and frustrated and didn't know what else to do so I read it and they were words that were perfect to shed light on a heart that needed it.
I am so paranoid of acting in the flesh and not in faith so I do not act at all.
I think I'm still missing something here.