Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We getting shot down.

Alright lets cut the "deep thinking" blogs for a change.
Here it is straight up:

Leaders at camp are dropping one by one for various reasons.

Today I found out that of our streetleaders who the youth love so much and look up to was suspended indefinitely. Details are unknown.

Also found out that another streetleader is starting night school so won't be able to work as well.

My supervisor is expecting his first baby so when that happens we'll he's going to be gone for a few weeks.

So I guess that leaves ....me to really have to start stepping up.

Not that I'm worried but more concerned
How are my kids going to feel when they find out someone who's been part of their life for so long suddenly won't be there?

Its hard already to run camp. With so few leaders it makes relationship building and mentoring scare because your trying to make sure everything is ok with everyone else.

There's been a lot of other struggles Urban Promise has been going through as a ministry. They recently had to close down Camp Peace due to financial issues. They camp has been running for over 9 years. I can't even imagine how that feels.

Amidst all of this I know its good cuz God does so much more when we're down so all the glory can go to Him.