Monday, January 12, 2009


We walk in to fight
but we are unprepared.

As soon we set foot on the battleground, it's gameover before we even take our first step

And yet we make the same mistakes over and over agian, day after day.
It happens so often we take it as "normal"

We charge in with no direction
We charge in with personal agendas on our mind
we charge in ignoring commands

so we charge in already defeated.

We ask "Why aren't lives being changed"
but maybe we should ask why aren't i doing what I am supposed to be doing?

THAT is what separates the noobs from the veterns

Noobs run around impatiently shooting aimlessly and quickly fall into traps,
Done for the battle or greatly hindered from doing anything else.
Some are too scared to even leave the trenches, they cower in fear and watch as their comrades fight
Some even think that they are DOING something by staying back and they scoff at their comrades who fall.
but they don't get up to help them

But the disciplined solider
Listens to the Commander's plans
Trusts that what he has been ordered to do is important
He is not discouraged by the bleak situation of the battle but
He has faith that even though things look bad if he does his part;
the battle will be one step close to won.
He looks out for his fellow comrades and help those he sees.

He is in contant communication with his Commander
Informing others about traps that have been set or asking for assistence when he is in trouble.

Most of all he is focused and prepared
He thinks of NOTHING but the battle
He is in constant alertness, ready at all times for new orders.
He continually trains himself to be better prepared to fight.
He's not stupid enough to go in battle with no armour.....