Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I want to do something
Because everytime I see the disconnected souls of my friends
I cry.

I wish i didnt have to watch them go through lie after lie only to be hurt agian and again. .....they become a little more broken each time.

Just when I think "maybe this time....they'll come home"
Something else comes up to take them down another dead end.

and all I can do is watch.
I would rather be trapped; then to see all the people i care about trapped.

I wish it was as easy as just telling them the truth.
but really its soo much more than that.

they have to want it for themselves
they have to be willing to change before anything can happen.

I wish i could do more..
i wish i could love more
I wish i could understand them more so i can HELP them more.

So as i sit here tortured by the thought that my friends are dying.
I pray to God in heaven:

Hallowed be thy name.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done
On Earth as it is in Heaven.

you are the God of all these people
even though they do not know.

bring hope to their hopeless lives
bring peace to their stressed out hearts

Shine Light in their darkned souls.

You love these people beyond our imagination
You want to know them you want them to know true joy and happiness
You want then to be connected.
That is why i am here today.

Your will be done

In the Name of Jesus Christ