Reconnect to reality
When I think of this I definitely have " Christians" in mind. Those people who just don't get it. Who don't see the reality of what KNOWING God is about.
Today I was hanging out with some of my peers after service and they were complaining about how they didn't want to go to Sunday School because its so boring. They were saying things like "I already sat through a service blah blah I don't want to listen to another boring lecture from the pastor." So I said to them "don't go if you don't want to, its not like people are forcing you to go"
I heard one person say "Yea w/e we can just sit in the back and talk anyways"
Eventually the group of 5 people went but they came in like 30 minutes late. They went cuz they FELT GUILTY WTF is that? They went because they didn't want the pastor to TELL THEIR parents. THEY went because they didn't want the PASTOR to be mad at them! AND the whole time I'm thinking YOU DONT GET IT DO YOU? Its not about what people think or your parents its ABOUT GOD. GOD DONT WANT YOU GOING CU YOU FEEL GUILTY. HE WANTS YOU TO GO BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM AND YOU WANT TO BE WITH HIM
Isn't that soo messed? Like seriously you don't go to church because you feel its like an obligation you go to church because you WANT TO LEARN AND MEET with God. You go to meet with other believers to encourage and pray for one another. I got soo pissed off cuz the whack thing is .....half of those people were leaders of our fellowship.
So i ask the question: Do these people really KNOW the reality of KNOWING GOD? Because if they did they would't have such a **** attitude because GOD IS SOOO AMAZING..... and if they do....then yooo those kids are WHACKED up. Thats the reality of this theme
not just REconnecting cuz you can't reconnect when you haven't been connected
In Christ