Sunday, September 7, 2008


"Jesus loved the outcasts he loved the ones the world loved to hate"
- Relient K (Failure to Excommunicate)

In our society today we have a lot of hate
Sometimes we hate because someone has wronged us
Sometimes there isn't even a reason, we just hate because everyone else seems to hate that person

Why is it soo much easier to hate than to love?

Why do we gotta hate? In a world thats already soo messed up, why screw it up even more?
Does it get us anywhere? does it even make us feel better? does it really do anything in the end but bring pain, hurt and sadness to everyone?
SO why?

Everytime I hear people hating on someone my heart inside cries
cuz that person is still a person.....created by God

The bible says to first love GOd and then love your neighbours as yourself

Who is your neighbour? When the bible says neighbour doesnt that mean everyone?
Especial those that aren't the most popular who some consider loser ..OUTCASTS of the social hierarchy

THe bible doesnt say Love those who are good looking or love those who love you
In fact it says what good is it to love those who love you? Everybody does that.

NO the bible says LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, DO GOOD to those who harm you.

When Jesus came into the world he didn't come and hang out with kings, the rich or the
"cool kids"

NO he did the opposite he befriend people that most everyone else hated.......
Prostitutes, Tax collectors etc.

and you know what? he got a lot of judgement and hate from everyone else.
BUT that didn't matter Jesus LOVED these LOSERS and CHANGED their lives FOREVER.

The more i get to know God the more I feel his love for humanity especially the "losers"
I'm starting to see through a different perspective.

I think that I'm getting to a point where I'm not afraid to befriend those that people consider less
even if it means that I'll be considered a loser tooo

Cuz really everything else is stupid POINTLESS
BUT doing what GOd commanded me to love isn't

SO i guess what im trying to get at

LEt me love like you do FAther
In everything i do and say maybe it reflect your love for your people
In the name of JEsus Amen