Saturday, July 31, 2010

When Your Feeling Low and Owned

there is only ONE WAY OUT.
focus on WHO God is and meditate on it! not on what is currently bugging you.
you gotta let God envelop your whole heart soul and mind so that everything is put in perspective.

empty yourself of ....yourself and let God fill you with Him
and to start that process you need to keep in mind GRACE so even though you know you're in a sinful state you have faith that Christ paved the way and then......fight through yourself till your filled and then MORE.

easier said than done because when were filled with self we don't want to be rid of self....(duh) but like the blind man "Jesus son of David have mercy on me" we know so we have faith that as we call out He does it in us.

it will work eveytime. if you got the Spirit operating properly in you.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Walk Alone

I can't get these convictions out of my heart
I keep thinking theres something wrong with me because everythings so extreme
and people think I'm mean.

no one gets it.
we can't just sweep it under the rug because when He comes back if were not ready and holy than we're dead.


always approach the throne of grace EVERYDAY!
go to the Lord in prayer and RELEASE your burdens to Him
go to Him with the attitude that JESUS has ALREADY paid for everything and God is already on your side because of Him! and you will be filled with joy and strength to get through and conquer the MANY doubts and lies the devil tries to sell to you!

don't come to Him because you feel like you need to for Him to love you because He already does! Just come to Him! Because your ALREADY righteous in His sight!

don't get owned APPROACH THE THRONE!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

God Owns

My life.
its true I have freedom to make those random day to day choices but honestly
I can't escape Him.
I have to pray and if I don't my heart will feel so dry that I have to go eventually.

and nothing really interests me except reading the bible, praying, sermons and um fellowshipping with other believers.

and every second of my life theres a killer urgency for people to stop living in sin and start really living for God and to rebuke every person I talk to. T_T"
and also to spread the gospel.

ahhhhhh ahhh ahhhh

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Strength in God

so there are 29403490 spiritual attacks that come to you from all angles!
The only way to be victorious over them is to PRAY and to ASK God for strength and then by faith accept the truths of scripture and mediate on them.
and then boom awesomeness happens when you truly connect with God =)

Sunday, July 25, 2010


On God. So I went through the book of Psalms and went through each thing it said about God and His characteristics! This is in preparation for gospel night! I really love psalms it speaks to me spiritually AND artistically = win

The Promises of God toward His covenant People

The Lord is a shield around us
He answers our cries
His faithfulness is our shield and rampart
The Lord is my rock my fortress and my deliverer
The Lord is my stronghold
Arms us with strength and makes my way perfect
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer
He enables me to stand on the heights
He restores our souls and leads us on the paths of righteousness for His name sake
The Lord is my light and my salvation! We shall not fear
He blesses His people with peace
Weeping may remain for a night but rejoicing comes in the morning
He turns our wailing into dancing and clothes us with joy
The Lord is our help
The Lord redeems the life of His servants
He brings forth our righteousness as the light
And our Justice as the noonday
The Lord uphold the righteous
Draws us up from the pit of destruction out of the miry bog
Sets our feet upon the rock and makes our step secure
He puts a new song in our mouths a song of praise to God
He sustains us
He is a strong tower
Our souls find rest in Him
A father to the fatherless a defender of widows
He sets the lonely in families
Leads forth prisoners with singing
Those who trust in Him will never be put to shame
He will defend the afflicted and save the children of the needy
He upholds us in His right hand
My portion in the land of the living
Removes burdens from our shoulders
The Lord bestows favour and honour no good thing does He withhold
He is our dwelling place
He covers you in His feathers
Under His wings you find refuge
He will commands His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways
You will tread upon the great lion and dragon
I will rescue him
And Protect Him for He alone acknowledges my name.
I will be with Him in trouble
I will deliver Him and honor Him
With long life I will satisfy him and show Him my salvation
Forgives your sins and heals all your diseases
Redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion
Satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles
He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities
As far as the east is from the west so far has He removed our transgressions from us
He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things
He sent forth word and healed them
He will not let your foot slip
He who watches over you will not slumber
The Lord watches over you the Lord is your shade at your right hand
The Lord will keep you from all harm he will watches over your life
The Lord will watch over you coming and going both now and forevermore.
The Lord has compassion on all He has made.
The Lord surrounds His people
Surrounds me in songs of deliverance
The Lord delivers protects us from trouble

God's Love

He shows unfailing kindness to His anointed
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful to those who keep His covenant
Your steadfast love O Lord extends to the heavens your faithfulness to the clouds
Grace is poured on His lips
Covers all our sins
Forgiving and good abounding in love to all who call to you
Slow to anger abounding in love and faithfulness
Redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion
As high as the heavens are above the earth so great is His love for those who fear Him
As a father has compassion on His children so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him.
The Lord is gracious and compassionate
His love endures forever
The Lord watches over all those who love Him.
The Lord is near to all who call on Him.

God's Creative Power

By the word of the Lord were the heavens made
Their starry host by the breath of his mouth
Formed the mountains by your power
It was you who opened up springs and streams
The night is yours the day is yours
You established the sun and the moon
It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth
You made both summer and winter
You founded the world and all that is in it
You created the north and the south
For in His hands are the dephs of the earth
His hands formed the dry land
In the beginning you laid the foundations of the earth
And the heavens are the works of your hands
He makes springs pour water into the ravines it flows between the mountains
He waters the mountains from His upper chambers
He makes grass grow for the cattle

Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Glory of God

Righteous God who searches minds and hearts
A Righteous judge who expresses His wrath everyday
He will sharpen His sword he will bend and string His bow
He has prepared his deadly weapons
He makes ready His flaming arrows
The Lord reigns forever
The Lord is King forever
The Lord is righteous he loves justice
The Words of the Lord are flawless like silver refined in a furnace of clay purified seven times
Smoke rises from His nostrils consuming fire from His mouth
He parts the heavens and comes down dark clouds are under His feet
He rides on the cherubs and comes swiftly on the wings of the wind
The Lord thunders in the heavens
The Most High utters His voice hailstones and coals of fire.
The earth is the Lord`s and everything in it!
He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters
The Lord is strong and mighty the Lord is mighty in battle
He is the King of Glory
The voice of the Lord shakes the desert
The voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire
The voice of the Lord is powerful
The voice of the Lord is Majestic
The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forest bare
And in His temple all cry glory
The God of glory thunders
The Lord sits enthroned over the flood
The Lord sits enthroned as King forever
By the word the Lord the heavens were made
and by the breath of his mouth all their hosts
He gathers the water of the sea as a heap
For He spoke and it came to be
He commanded and it stood firm.
He utters His voice the earth melts
He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear
The mighty one God the Lord speaks and summons the earth
From the rising of the sun to its setting
Out of Zion the perfection of beauty,
God shines forth!
Before Him is a devouring fire
Around Him a mighty tempest
By His strength established the mountains
Being girded in might
Stills the roaring seas
Turn seas to dry land
The Chariots of God are twice ten thousands
Thousands upon thousands
Righteousness goes before Him and prepares the way for His steps.
Your arm is endued with power
You rule over the surging sea
When its waves mount up you still them
The Lord reigns he is robed in majesty
Armed with strength
The Lord strong and mighty
In His hands are the depths of the Earth the mountain peaks belongs to Him
The sea is his for he made it and His hands formed the dry land
Splendour and majesty are before Him strength and glory are in His sanctuary
Clouds and thick darkness surround Him
Fire goes before Him and consumes His foes on every side
His lightning lights up the world the earth see’s and trembles
The mountains melt like wax before the Lord before the Lord of all the earth
The heavens proclaim his righteousness,
and all the peoples see his glory
He wraps Himself in light as with a garment3
He lays the beams of his chambers on the waters;he makes the clouds his chariot;
He rides on the wings of the wind;
He makes his messengers winds,
His ministers a flaming fire.
He stretches out the heavens like a tent
Lightning and hail snow and clouds stormy winds do His bidding.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Passion for Christ Movement



I want to declare the Glory of the Lord!
His power
His splendor
His love
His holiness

Who is like Him?
No one on Heaven or Earth.

I pray that I can speak of His glory with boldness, power and strength that is due it. I pray that I can speak it clearly and I pray for a Spirit of conviction to fall on the people.

23On their release, Peter and John went back to their own people and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. 24When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. "Sovereign Lord," they said, "you made the heaven and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. 25You spoke by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of your servant, our father David:
" 'Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
26The kings of the earth take their stand
and the rulers gather together
against the Lord
and against his Anointed One.[c]'[d] 27Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people[e] of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. 28They did what your power and will had decided beforehand should happen. 29Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. 30Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus."
31After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Acts 4

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pray It Up!

Alright so I feel like I need to pray A LOT MORE
Its serious prayer time.
God is answering so many of my prayers but there is still so much more that needs to be done!

O Lord I ask for for more!
Raise up a generation!
One that finds true freedom in Christ!
In The name of Jesus

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I felt soooo dirty today after going to that church.
I was worshiping my heart out and thinking that it was a good church with awesome charismatic brothers and sisters until the pastor started to preach.

and then I wanted to barf.
because it was all lies but VERY VERY sneaky in the way that the truth is preached but only half of it is preached so that people can make up what they want it to mean in their own heads.

for example.
God's success is your success God wants you to be successful
If an idea you have does not take faith its not from God if it is it is from God and you should run with it
You should be struggling in your faith

True when the faith is in obeying the words of the bible and acting in faith to do God's will namely sharing the gospel!

not with what you want! which was what was implied. Come on the goal of the church was to build a huge state of the art shopping center/ spa/ sports stadium/ business center/ retirement home.
basically the prosperity gospel!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

You O Lord

are a shield around me!
Psalm 3

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121

Here's the truth.
Every time I am about to speak or preach the Word
I get soo scared! Not just a little scared but FREAK OUT scared.
Many doubts and fears flood into my mind. My imagination goes wild.

I am reminded that I am weak and that Christ is strong.
So I pray and take in the scriptures and God strengths me.
Somehow I am able to get through it although with no idea to what avail.

The Word

4Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
- Matthew 4:4

The WORD I love it so much!
Its like life to my soul!
I can't get enough of it!
I wish I could magically have it embedded in my mind without having to memorize it! When the Psalmist says The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. - Psalm 119:72
Its true!

Today I asked the youth if they have been doing their devos.
The responses were nope. Its too hard to understand or its boring or they're too busy. There is something WRONG with you spiritually if you don't CRAVE the Word!

Either your nor a Christian or there are still too many idols/sin in your life.

So we started talking about the love for the Word!
Ris (the youth intern) told us stories of how the bible is so treasured in other countries. Soo many crazy stories of people longing for a bible and crying because they finally got one and sleeping with it. I felt so connected cuz I could relate so well!

1Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind. 2Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, 3now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.
-1 Peter 2:1

The Words are LIFE!
Take them in! If you don't understand ask God to reveal it you!
and if you still don't understand ask God to reveal what it is in your heart thats keeping the Words from feeding you!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So I'll Admit

I have officially lost it.
I am so tired.
so much brokenness around me.
People are open but the faith to be healed isn't there or hasn't come yet.
So it ends up being a support group rather than a fellowship.
and it scares me that people think I'M "passionate" (I hate that term) for God.
I'm not even close and it shouldn't even be that way. Its pretty evil how we put people up on pedestals of spirituality. It hurts both parties. The person being put up is now cut off from a normal relationship because they are supposed to be "better." The person putting up gets hurt because they compare themselves and may be led astray. Its hard enough trying to not be prideful and to focus on the cross. It makes it a lot harder when you start being judged. Either as "spiritual", "extremist" or just plain crazy.

Which I admit I am (when I look at it from an outside perspective)
You don't want to see me pray and when I mean pray I mean actual prayer. When I pour my heart out to God. I tend to jump and stomp my legs and wave my arms about frantically while screaming/shouting my prayer items. Sometimes I'm flat on my face, other times arms are stretched out. Most of the time its not in english its in.... well I'm not sure "Evangel" language I guess but I always feel that God hears my prayers afterwards so I can feel a little bit at rest.

So yeah

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prayer for my People

O Lord,

Hear my cry!
Wake us up! We are so weak! The world is choking the life out of us.
We think we're alive but we're dead so dead and if you came back we would be so owned. SO please HAVE MERCY and convict us of our sins! So that we desperately turn to you. Whatever we place our hope that is not of You I pray that it turns to dust. Come Lord and send trials and hardships in our lives so that we turn to you and save our souls! Forgive us because we say we follow you yet out hearts are so far from you. We drop your name in the activities we do but we don't follow you we sorta just try to drag you along with us. Forgive us cuz we think we doing good in our purity but we cross the line emotionally, in our hearts and in our heads. We are the next generation of Pharisees we know your Word SO WELL and assume knowledge is a substitute for a relationship. We know what to do but we would rather sit back and talk about it then actually do it. I pray for all of us for humility and honesty. I ask Father that you change me to be a humble example. I can't do this God I'm so scared and confused. Build Your house up! For unless you build it we labour in vain. I ask for the harvest and for harvesters. I ask for the new wineskin of this generation. Pour out Your infinite grace in this dry and weary land where there is no water. Let the light of Your face shine upon us for many are asking who can show us any good. We need your truth to convict because MANY are being deceived and are falling away to lies. Raise up a generation. A generation that seeks your face O God of Jacob. A generation that will proclaim your Name without shame and in the full truth.
May the peoples praise you O God
May the peoples praise you
May the nations be glad and sing for joy.
Then the land we yield the harvest and God our God will bless us.

In the name of Yeshua.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

God's Plan

Don't kill yourself over yourself over if it IS God's plan or NOT most of the time God wants us to be faithful and to LIVE out our faith wherever we are. Its easy to get in the "what does God want me to do thing" When really its about your heart.

33To love him with all your heart, with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."
Mark 12:33

so basically we need to be careful not to do things for God but rather do things out of our RESPONSE to God's love and grace. This includes serving! If God really wanted you to serve you would KNOW without a doubt but honestly what if God wanted you to serve and then you thought in your heart that He didn't want you to? Then you went agianst God's plan? Um "listening" to God's voice is actually not 100% right because when you "listen" your really just struggling with issues in your heart and The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? Jer. 17:9

On a side note can you better discern what is deceitful and what is not? Yes! by filling it with the Word and through the Holy Spirit but even then its still sketchy!

So I don't think the question is: "Does God want me to serve in this particular area?" its more like "I have this opportunity to serve will I do it 100% with everything that I have because of what God has done for me?"

Take Paul for example
there were times when God did tell Him SPECIFICALLY where to go and preach
but how about the other 90% of the time?
Paul just went to preach the gospel in faith and as He acted in faith God opened up doors for His Kingdom to be established.
In fact if you read near the end of Acts theres a point where He is warned "through the Spirit" not to go to Jerusalem but then decides to because he felt a huge burden there and afterward the Holy Spirit tells him whats going to happen.

God is ALREADY working. The question we should ask is "How can I be a part of what He is already doing?"

So man do God's work (sharing gospel) in faith and ministering to people in faith.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Kill it at the Source

So the typical prayer requests we get are usually along the lines of
"I need to stop lusting, I need to be less selfish or I struggle with this"
This is the truth.
We're praying for the wrong thing.
If we ask that that person stop being angry or hateful or prideful etc.
In reality God has already given us the victory over these things.

3This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, 4for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
1 John 5:3-5

The problem lies if your willing to give God your heart so He can heal it.

14Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. 15Nothing outside a man can make him 'unclean' by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him 'unclean.' "[f]

17After he had left the crowd and entered the house, his disciples asked him about this parable. 18"Are you so dull?" he asked. "Don't you see that nothing that enters a man from the outside can make him 'unclean'? 19For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and then out of his body." (In saying this, Jesus declared all foods "clean.")

20He went on: "What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean.' 21For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 23All these evils come from inside and make a man 'unclean.'
-Mark 7

So basically instead of trying to attack the sin from an outward position "please remove this from me" the heart needs to change. So if your heart is all for God than you will have victory over whatever sin it is that your bound to because what you desire is God now and not whatever lie you were pursuing before.

But if your heart is still in an idol and you ask for that sin to be removed than nothings going to happen because the inside is still a mess and your still holding onto it not allowing God to heal it.

ex. Someone struggles with lust/ pornography
That person's idol is a relationship with the opposite sex or same sex in some cases or it can be straight up sex.(pleasure)

That person needs to ask God for strength to give up their idol and only when they do so will they find victory over the sinful pattern.
Not that you won't lust ever again but you will have the power to stop it from consuming your life.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Not in Vain.

something was definitely going on today.
I had the courage to shine direct truth into the lives of certain individuals whom I have been praying for. Felt the Spirit doing something cuz they we're taking it in with no barriers keeping them from rejecting it. In fact they just accepted it.
No hate or objections.....0.o

very surprising
and not at the same time cuz I prayed for it.
So I was encouraged by that.

dang man I swear lust is on the rise these days
and it is only killed when I seriously meditate on the Word.
which I have been reading more of
I get seriously frustrated when I forget things that I should've already memorized
I feel unequipped and naked.
Need to learn MORE

Monday, July 5, 2010

What a Crazy Day.

Today I decided to meet up with a friend.
I was very worried about this person's walk with the Lord
So we hung out and talked and then I decided that I needed to say what I felt because this person was definitely struggling with their walk with God.

I have seen God work awesomely in this person's life before and I guess I thought it would continue.

SO basically I felt that this person was addicted to pornography and so I asked.
Immediately it hit something in their heart but there was an air of reluctance and shame. I had no clue what to do so I kept praying and quoting scripture. It came out. Eventually as things progressed I felt like the root of the sin was in a relationship that person was not willing to give up. So I told them that they needed to give it to the Lord. At that point I felt a huge spiritual oppression there was something heavy going on and I got so scared. The person really didn't want to give it up but I kept pushing saying they have to and to ask God for strength to do it. The person started to scare me so much brokenness and then I started to question if I did the right thing. Maybe I should've shut up and not said anything even though I knew that it was true. I felt so helpless. It was at that point that I realized that I can do nothing to help this person's spiritual condition and was completely humbled.

So now I'm in the question of should I back off when things get too messy or should I push through it?

Is it right to immediately shine light as to blind that person?
or should that be something that God does?

but if God revealed that insight to me shouldn't it be spoken?
when is the right time? I mean would the person keep living in sin until I finally decided to say something? God could reveal it in another way.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Exile Soul

so tired
need some Holy fire
My heart growing cold
I need to be bold
Something's sucking up the love.
O I'm tripping up
I feel like I've been made wiser than the old
Cuz some of them are still fools though they're old
An exile soul
Not of this world.
Surrounded by everything I'm not.
Better watch my back or I might get shot.
Cuz the world hates my kind
they always find a way to kill my kind
put on as part of the procession
the one that leads to death then resurrection
we're so depraved Christs the only way
that we can be saved.
preaching the truth of the Word
except it is never actually heard
falls on deaf ears
people who don't care
don't wanna face their true fears
so shut they their eyes to the truth here.
The darkness hates the light
so the sin inside puts up a fight
persecuting those who stand for whats right

Somethings Stirring

I think something is stirring.
YEAH and uhhhhh

the wall has been punctured
but it can quickly close up again
if action isn't taken quickly to tear it open!

I am crazy
If I am a fool it is for God
If I am in my right mind it is for believers
(2 Corinthians)

so today I literally killed myself over how to share the gospel.
and I did it and then felt stupid cuz God is doing everything and I am just watching which is weird. Cuz I still do something but it doesn't matter so much what I say or how I say it. If the Spirit has annointed someone it doesn't matter what they say (as long as it is theologically correct) that person can be the worst communicator but many can come to Christ.

Psalm 91 describes it best I think.

A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.

8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.

in this case its in the context of spiritual warefare not physical although it will apply on the last day.

I feel soo hopeless
believers are struggling getting owned by the devil
and there is nothing I can do. cuz its their OWN faith.
on top of that I need to worry about myself making sure I am not getting owned myself.
so many people are so far from the truth
and I guess I sorta unintentionally separate myself from them
cuz I feel like a complete stranger or that they hate me or won't get me.
Which is true except I forget that I need to be IN the world not OF it
HA so much easier said then done

the bible also says

Come out and be separate from them
touch no unclean thing

Friday, July 2, 2010

Stand UP!

We see so many wrong things and a lot of times we just say we'll pray about it.
Nothing wrong with that. In fact we should even more.

but you see
Faith without deeds are dead!(James 2)
so we see with faith what is lacking or wrong, we lift it up to God in pray yet we do not ACT out on it!

We can pray for people to come to salvation BUT

14How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"[
Romans 10:14-15

yes so God is the one that works in their hearts 100% but someone needs to deliver the message! I don't think its just with bringing people to the Lord but also with rebuking and confronting people about issues surrounding faith.

So the things that you are see that are wrong
we'll maybe you should act in faith knowing that it is right and in line with the truth of scripture.

You might look stupid in front of everyone, but in God's eyes you look like a child that is standing up for His cause and thats all that matters!

God will honour your faithfulness to Him
To the faithful you show yourself faithful
Psalm 18:25

Not only that but He will use it to accomplish His will being done on earth!
and that is a huge privilege and honour for Him to give to us!

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I have no clue if ground was taken today.
I actually sense like more problems came up.
We'll more like ground was taken but then a bunch of things we're thrown in to make things even harder to progress.

We just all need to stop judging and REALLY love with the love of God
sigh* myself included.


I`m actually feeling so alone and distraught basically I feel like I can`t trust anyone. I need to die to my right to be hurt so that I can love.
So a friend sent these two devos too me by Oswald Chambers
its like exactly what I am going through ATM


"I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the Lord."
Jeremiah 1:8

God promised Jeremiah that He would deliver him personally - "They life will I give unto thee for a prey." That is all God promises His children. Wherever God sends us, He will guard our lives. Our personal property and possessions are a matter of indifference, we have to sit loosely to all those things; if we do not, there will be panic and heartbreak and distress. That is the inwardness of the overshadowing of personal deliverance.
The Sermon on the Mount indicates that when we are on Jesus Christ's errands, there is no time to stand up for ourselves. Jesus says, in effect, Do not be bothered with whether you are being justly dealt with or not. To look for justice is a sign of deflection from devotion to Him. Never look for justice in this world, but never cease to give it. If we look for justice, we will begin to grouse and to indulge in the discontent of self-pity - Why should I be treated like this? If we are devoted to Jesus Christ we have nothing to do with what we meet, whether it is just or unjust. Jesus says - Go steadily on with what I have tld you to do and I will guard your life. If you try to guard it yourself, you remove yourself from My deliverance. The most devout among us become atheistic in this connection; we do not believe God, we enthrone common sense and tack the name of God on to it. We do lean to our own understanding, instead of trusting God with all our hearts.


"If that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended."
Philippians 3:12

Never choose to be a worker; but when once God has put His call on you, wor be to you if you turn tot he right hand or to the left. We are not here to work for God because we have chosen to do so, but because God has apprehended us. There is never any thought of - "Oh, well, I am not fitted for this." What you are to preach is determined by God, not be your own natural inclinations. Keep your soul steadfastly related to God, and remember that you are called not to bear testimony only, but to preach the gospel, Every Christian must testify, but when it comes to the call to preach, there must be the agonizing grip of God's hand on you, your life is in the grip of God for that one thing. How many of us are held like that?
Never water down the word of God, preach it in its undiluted sternness; there must be unflinching loyalty to the word of God; but when you come to personal dealing with your fellow men, remember who you are - not a special being made up in heaven, but a sinner saved by grace.
"I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do. . . ."