Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wherever it blows....

Sometimes a person can know everything and really want to believe
but doesn't want to believe because they HAVE to but because they want to

There's SOMETHING that God does in someone's heart that makes it CLICK.
That makes it REAL and PERSONAL to themselves.
You can witness and preach salvation 935490 times over....

if the Spirit does not breath LIFE into the bones
if The Father does not draw them to Himself
then nothing can happen

The Spirit must give birth to spirit.
and the Spirit blows wherever it pleases.....
If we call and cry out to Him, He will hear us and send us power from on High....but until then we are powerless.
So when your preparing event where the gospel is going to be preached...PRAY
forget everything else

No drama is gonna bring someone to God
No music
Not the speaker

the Spirit

So don't waste too much of your time practicing on those things
Start doing something that matters...pray.

I really believe that most conversions don't happen at the altar call.
Some do and sometimes God chooses to move and that's when a revival happens
So prayer is the only thing we can do and if He wills He will also use us to lead someone to the foot of the cross.