Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So Dry Down Here

Father why is it so dry down here?
Is it cuz we're lacking prayer?
Your Spirit power is waiting to be released
Be open vessels to unleash
The Spirit's anointing in our lives
Come and receive power from on high
Like the holy saints and martyrs of old
Come take up the cross be BOLD
Cry out and shed tears
We need to break the stronghold of fear
and the King will HEAR
Look to Zion its day is near
We'll see miracles like in the days of Acts
Revival like none in history past.
When we start to pray
Satan is so afraid
Cuz we're no long going on our own strength
We're finally connected to His wavelength
When we commit to fast
The evil one won't last.
are you ready to take on this task?
To take a stand
and live for the Kingdom that is at hand?
cuz everything else is sinking sand
In this dry and weary land
Where there is no water
Depend on our Heavenly Father.
He'll take you where you need to be
Despite any animosity