Worry. stress.
I think in our culture its normal to be stressed, worried.
but the thing is .....its a SIN.
"Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God"
"Do not worry about tomorrow"
commands right out of the bible.
Its easy to forget that
As followers of Christ we should reflect Him. I don't think Jesus stressed about all the people he had to save or worried about the little time He had on earth before He died.
When we worry it shows our lack of faith in God.
Really its an insult to who HE IS.
When we worry we're telling God that we don't think that He will or is able to take care of our future, our problems.
On top of that worrying kills our spirit makes what was hard...impossible.
as Christians a lot of the battle is in the mind.
That was me. I was so worried about tonight.
but somehow God set me straight and I walked into camp trusting in Him.
A lot of unexpected things happened
The start of camp was rough. The Tyndale student were running late. Youth were coming in late. New kids kept coming. Grace and I were running around trying to keep things in order. Tyndale students didn't really know what they were doing, they were scared of the kids.
but in the end God worked in an amazing way.
The Tyndale students were able to share their testimonies with the full attention of the youth. They were fully engaged taking in everything that was said. We haven't really been able to do bible study with the kids so today was a small victory.
It was really encouraging to meet new brothers and sisters on a different path. It was weird because they we're first year students (same age as me) but I couldn't really tell because they all seemed so mature. Overall it was just good.