Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Easy Day.

I slept at 9 and woke up @ 9 still tired wanting to stay in bed but I forced myself to get up.

God gave me an easy day.
Only 10 youth came .
They behaved and did their homework.

I think some of the girls were possessed because they helped clean the church after program and started singing worship songs as I played piano.

I'm confused but I guess thats ok.

Its hard to sit back and watch.

I don't really have much time to talk to my school friends who graduated with me.
The times I do get to talk to them and see how how they're doing it makes me want to DO SOMETHING.

To somehow save them, show them the truth., open their eyes to a life filled with love and not..... crap.

but ....I can't.

Keep praying.