Mud people
cursed to work the earth
Cain and Abel
the first victims of this curse
no peace for the wicked
day after day toiling away
What does it mean for whom do I work?
In a sun scorched land.
no peace for the wicked
Jealous anger and ones dead
murder, blood that screams retribution
the other restless wander of the earth
no peace for the wicked
few generations wickedness spreads
Lamech strikes many dead
no lament
montrous blood lust
scares wives to submission
no peace for the wicked
Same story here today
Mud people
under the same curse
go go go mud people go
here to there restless wanders on the earth
no peace for the wicked
No more than beasts
little more than apes
carnal minded
no peace for the wicked
from vainity to vainity
from flesh to flesh
bound to lusts
food, sleep, sex, work, relationships
no freedom from the curse
not willing to admit
no peace for the wicked
animals uncontrolled
its a zoo with the cages broken
untamed, insane
lawless spirit
drunken wine stupor
no peace for the wicked
vainity comes out
of our eyes, nose, mouth
oozing out a putrid stench
that only the the flames of hell can quench
yet we still fill our soul with more
and it comes out twice as loathesome as before
no peace for the wicked
o Mud people
can't you see?
thinking we own the world
caught up in pride
soon there will be no place to hide
no peace for the wicked
though made a little lower than the angels
by grace
still reflect
the soul of understanding
yet cut off from life
no peace for the wicked