Interview today for Mexx.
Basically the manager talked about the business philosophy of the company.
-take control of the customer make sure they leave the store with a bag in their hand
-not everyone is suited for this job
-outstanding interpersonal skills is needed to succeed
-high performers are a must
-you get bonus' and commissions to motivate you to do well
-you have to meet your daily sales quota
I wanted to barf =)
The business world is whack.
"Make money by manipulating people into thinking we care"
How should a Christian approach business?
I believe that first we connect with the people in a real and honest way this can only be done through God's love. Treat them as people not just another "customer."
Care about what they are looking for and help them to find the best deals in the store.
Can I do this?
I hope so
and I know God will bless me by honouring His commands