Sometimes we think too much
Quantum physicists believe that matter is not really matter but in essence just thoughts of consciousness
Electrons, protons, neutrons "phase" in and out of "reality" constantly.
Scientists have found ways of making the same object appear at the same time in different spaces.
When you really get into science......its just WOW
So many crazy theories out there
Some beleive that if we think enough we can change the physical world around us.
Proof one.
a japanese scientist took pictures of different crystalizations of water used for different purposes at the molecular level.
there have been accounts of people in extreme circumstances who have lifted objects soo heavy that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for them according to the laws of physics to lift.
a group of volunteers all over the world meditated in washington to reduce the crime rate by the summer time of that year
......results showed that the crime rate did indeed go down by 25%
Therefore the suggestion is:
If we can make ourselves beleive that we are not bound to the laws of nature then we can do anything (like the matrix)
did the crime rate happen to go down?
did the random crystallizations of water happen to be in a comprehensible form to humans?
IS there a scientific way to explain all of this?
or all these just lies?
What is truth how do we know the truth?
If our senses are wrong, if our feelings are just chemical impulses.......
neuroscientists have looked in everypart of the brain to find what they call "an observer" or consiceness
but have found nothing.
but then agian i only know this from a documentary.......
Maybe the answer doesn't lie within all these facts, proofs, statics, experiments .
Many are skeptical that we can really know.
but i believe that there is an absolute truth that exists outside of how i perceive things.
Although i cannot grasp the full truth through my limited understanding i can at least eliminate the not truths.
lets stop trying to analyze every small detail of life
maybe the reality is the reality were supposed to know.
or else we would experience something else.
Sometimes we just need to KISS
"keep it simple stupid"
To just enjoy the small things in life.
THere are SOO many GOOD things.
(What is good?
GOOD is everything that causes no harm to anyone or anything.
it is an immutable truth or form -plato
trancending the physical.)
Today I went to a classical music concert.
IT was beautiful
I think there were times when people were crying.
The music just had something that made you go WOW
it brought people together
it had this MYSTERIOUS power
and the whole time i was thinking
"this is too great, too amazing for chance to have created us to create this"
GOD is here.
lets just have faith.
something the world needs a little more of.
we say that we have advanced beyond the need for ignorant religions
because we now understand science
but i say
now that we know science we need religion more than ever.
tell me:
Why are our societies degrading morally far more than in the past?
Why are we more confused than we were before?
.....if we are so "enlightened"
Have we gone backwards?