Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Forms, Attraction and the Cave.

Last night I watched:
"He's just not that into you"


Brought out some of the more comical truths in the courting process.
At the same it was also able to bring out the big question:

"What is love?"

The movie twisted the classic situation of marital unfaithfulness. It suggessted that cheating is jusifyable and even right if there is no longer love or if was no love to begin with in your marriage.

More importantly it raised the idea that Love just happens, you either have it with someone or you don't.
"the one exception" or the one person that you have the "spark with"
that seems to be the way our society sees love.

However, This but an image of love not TRUE love.

In Plato's Allegory of the cave.
There is a man chained to the floor facing the back wall.
He cannot turn around. Behind him and a stone wall and behind the stone wall is a giant bondfire. For some odd reason another person holds objects over the stone wall in front of the fire so that shawdows are cast along the back wall. The person chained to the floor can only make sense of the world through the shadows are projected.

He see's but images of what reality is. HE therefore does not grasp full knowledge.
The chained man is but an ignorant fool who thinks he is wise.

For example if a cone cylinder were to be held up to the fire, from the side it would appear to be a triangle but from the bottom it would be a circle. The man chained who does not understand the concept of 3D would assumed that the shawdows of the triangle and circle are too COMPLETELY different things. hen in reality they are one.

In our heads we build an "image" of the perfect person that we would want to be with.
Alot of times these images come from the media.
We strive to find someone who will fit this image.
We assume that our image is true.

but if we are the allegory of the cave
then how can we KNOW for sure.

The sophoists believes that since we are soo limited so we cannot know.
Therefore the truth is only in the mind of the person.

Plato believes that we are capaable of TRUELY knowing.
That things are what they are they exist even with out our judgement.

........start of philosophy paper.........