Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mount of Transfiguration

Why did Moses and Elijah appear on the Mount of Transfiguration with Christ?
Lets take a look at what they did:

Moses led God's people out of captivity and was the mediator of the first covenant between them and God

Elijah led God's people out of a great time of apostasy

Moses and Elijah were the only two prophets who had a 40 day "wilderness" experience similar to that of Christ.

Moses was on Mt. Sinai for 40 days
Elijah travelled for 40 days and nights with food from only ONE meal (1 King 19:7)

On the Mount of transfiguration it says "They spoke about his departure," (Luke 9:31)

That means the glorfied Moses and Elijah was having a conversation with Jesus about what He had to do!

Christ would:
1. Establish a new and better covenant with God's people and be the mediator of that covenant

2. As a result would lead many Jewish people out of the apostasy of their time

Elijah and Moses was giving Christ counsel on how to do what He was going to do!
(Jesus learned just like US He had to learn things from the bible like us too)

So basically
Moses+Elijah = Jesus