All things are wearisome,
more than one can say.
The eye never has enough of seeing,
nor the ear its fill of hearing.
Ecc. 1:8
The Lord God is the God of every human spirit. He speaks and the peoples in the cities shout and dance. But in the world we live in He has departed and our souls are disconnected from the Creator. So we naturually and sinfully look to the things of the flesh.
The darkness is very great so great that we do not even realize it.
We do not realize the sinfulness of our sin unless God in His mercy reveals it to us.
One of the great grieveances of humankind is that they are deceived into believing that the things they lack in the flesh are better than what they seem.
When I fast, food looks so much better and everything in my mind craves it, but when I stop fasting it's never as good as I thought it would be when I was fasting. In fact my spirit is more alive in the times when I am fasting then when I am not.
I realized that food doesn't really taste that good.
I used to feast after I stop a fast but after I had eaten my fill. I felt worse then when I was fasting.
When I fast, I realize my vulnerability and dependency, then I can understand God's sufficiency and sovereignty. When I understand who God is then I can love and do His work.
My friend ask me "Evangel how come you're ok with being alone so often?"
I didn't really realize but I guess I do spend a lot of time alone.
It's not that I do not enjoy relationships, its that there comes a point when they tire me and I would rather spend time with the Lord.
When Jesus says Seek First His Kingdom and His righteousness
Only when your whole being is focused on God, can you enjoy the things he created without indulge in in sinful excess and with the blessing of God. and so the last part is then all these things will be added unto you
The Lord created the good things as life to be gifts, not to be nesscessities.
As we learn and mature and are refined then we can say
The Lord is my Sheppard, I shall not be in want