Tuesday, August 11, 2009


its easy to give up and stop going.
"I don't feel like I am getting anything out of church"
is a line I hear a lot.

A lot of the time we end up going just to socialize and when we're not getting along with people we stop going.
Church seems ........boring but we FEEL like its an obligation so we go.

There something desperately wrong with that
I think we're missing the point.

Church has become something that it shouldn't
It should be a place where people dont have to hide or be judged but its become the place where people are judged the most

its supposed to be a place where people are accepted, but really we don't try that hard to accept people...... wow we clap for them that's great I'm sure they feel loved

its impersonal when it should be personal
formal when it should be .....free

for Christians it is not a place where we GET
but a place where we GIVE

Its not what can the church do for me?
its what can I DO for the church

Church is a place where Christians give freely to each other support each other
the mindset is SELFLESS
but when we start thinking SELFISH that's when things go wrong
that's when people leave, when trouble starts
when things seem...dead

I know its hard to think like that when it ALWAYS seems like your giving but never getting anything back.
It seems like your doing so much and NOT seeing anything CHANGE.

Jeremiah the prophet is a hero.
He spent his whole life telling people to repent and not ONE repented from his message. He has persecuted and hated but he STILL KEPT GOING.

Sometimes you can't see the change
Sometimes there really isn't any change
but our job is to stay faithful to the calling God has given.

I have been serving a lot and sometimes it feels like I am doing everything alone Those times are when I am closest with God.
He is more than enough.
He is the source of life

"The Lord is my Sheppard"

When we have no more God has plenty
even when it sucks somehow there's peace in Christ

Stay Connected.
Keep fighting.

and you will definitely 100% end up with something greater than what you can imagine at the end of this.