When i was in elementary school i wanted to be a cool kid.
There is always that one group of kids that everyone wants to hang out with; The "cool" kids.....(funny, cocky, quiet, laid back)
-at recess everyone wants to be on their team
-during class every wants to sit beside them
-for group projects every wants to be in their group
Everyone would do just about anything to be a part of that group.
- talk about Nick and food.
I remember doing some of the stupidest things just so i could be "cool"
- right people
- right posture
- attitude
I think we all try to find a way to be cool growing up. or to be exact be accepted.
doesn't change when we get to high school
- people might change or the ideal group
-but in high school it gets worse? don't we try even harder?
- how many friends do you know who have changed drastically? or who your not friends with because they don't talk to you or because you can't really relate to them way back...when
You would think that as we get older maybe we wouldn't be as immature..but we do even stupider things we'll sacrifice:
- relationship with family/parents (curfew, lying, stealing)
- friends
- grades? try really hard
- health (drugs etc)
- we'll spend time doing things thinking maybe if only i can do this people will notice me...
- almost anything?
We'll also hurt other people for really no good reason to feel accepted.
- Kakit (pine cones)
- are we really any better? don't we gossip and put up cocky attitudes too?
- that girls such a.... but can we really judge?
-it seems like a vicious cycle to me.
We do things to be accepted that hurt people and those people get angry and make a big deal about it to get attention and on and on and on.........
It seems like we never grow up....
Isn't there something seriously wrong with that?
To give up almost everything too be accepted?
To spend so much time on relationships only have them not what we expected them to be..
Why do we want to be loved so badly?
Maybe that the real heart of the problem.
The theme for coffeehouse this year is Freedom.
So the question I raise is this:
What if were not really free?
IF we're really trapped by our want, our desire to be accepted conscientiously, subconsciously
What if there's more to life then what we perceive?
What if this longing that can't be seen physically but can be felt in our hearts is a sign that something's wrong?
What if there is something missing?
What if theres a whole dimension to life you never knew about?
What if.... it's God?