Friday, March 6, 2009


Postmodern ideas sugggest that there is no truth. Everything is relative to the individual. Therefore one cannot determine a universal constant for anything.


This idea is an impossibility because one must believe in the truth that there is no truth, hence proving that this idea does in fact support a truth.

Postmodernists deny the truth because they would rauther live in an illusion, one does not want to really know the truth. But rather go back to the cave...... where they think they will be happy.

Our society looks down on vitues like faith, but they fail to realize that faith is a natural part of the human form.

Science takes faith.

An atheist MUST have faith to say that there is NO GOD because he/she CANNOT prove that there is NO GOD and vice versa

Therefore there must be one absolute truth.

Many follow postmodern ideas because they have been deceived by the not truths
so they are skeptical to any claim to truth.

But we must keep looking
or we will destroy ourselves.

Postmodernists suggest that our human race has evovled to greater better heights, that we are able to learn from all of our glorious past and enjoy every aspect of it.

If that is true
Why are divorces raising?
Why do little kids kill their parents?
Why do we self destruct with our nihlistic beliefs?

We have not progressed to a better humanity but rather regressed.
We should not only learn from the faults of our predeccesors but also learned from the sucesses.

We need to take the truth from each generation and also filter out the not truths.

IN the past we have made many mistakes but we have also made great accomplishments.

If we look at the evidenece behind postmodern belief that there is not truth it is clearly false.

The truth is good. This is something that is built into us as people, not as soceity. One does not need to be taught that lying is wrong. One just knows.

no good has come from this belief.
Some say we are FREE from our belief that there is right and wrong, we can do whatever we please.

but that is not truth freedom, it is foolishness.
Do we not ultimately want happiness?
So i ask the question has the postmodern philosophy given us happiness?
or just pleasure?

IF we are truely happy, why do we still want more?